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[英]bash replace string in file with specific index

I have 2 files: 我有2个文件:

idfile.txt : idfile.txt


replace.xml : replace.xml

<condition="online" id="1111" >
<condition="online" id="2222" >
<condition="online" id="3333" >
<condition="online" id="4444" >

I need a script to get below output.xml : 我需要一个脚本来获取以下output.xml

<condition="offline" id="1111" >
<condition="online" id="2222" >
<condition="offline" id="3333" >
<condition="online" id="4444" >

I use: 我用:

while read line; do
grep $line replace.xml | sed 's/condition="online"/condition="offline"/g' replace.xml >> output.xml 
done < idfile.txt

My script replace all condition="online" in condition="offline" . 我的脚本替换了condition="offline"所有condition="online" condition="offline"

Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!

Note, id attribute value from replace.xml should match any of the entries from idfile.txt to fit the condition. 注意, id从属性值replace.xml应匹配任何从条目idfile.txt适合的条件。

Awk + paste solution: AWK + 粘贴解决方案:

awk -v ids="$(paste -s -d'|' idfile.txt)" 'match($2,ids){ sub("online","offline",$1) }1' replace.xml

The output: 输出:

<condition="offline" id="1111" >
<condition="online" id="2222" >
<condition="offline" id="3333" >
<condition="offline" id="4444" >

If your files are going to be large, I would use awk . 如果您的文件很大,我将使用awk Please note that your idfile.txt should be: 请注意,您的idfile.txt应该为:


To get something interesting. 得到一些有趣的东西。

This is how I would do it with awk : 这就是我使用awk


awk '
    while( (getline $l < "idfile.txt") > 0 ) {
      if( $l ~ /^.+$/ ) {
        id[$l] = 1;

  /^.+$/ {
    split($2, a, "\"");
    if( id[ a[2] ] ) {
      printf "<condition=\"online\" id=\"%s\">\n", a[2];
    else {
      printf "<condition=\"offline\" id=\"%s\">\n", a[2];
' replace.xml >output.xml

The BEGIN block reads the id file to the id array. BEGIN块将id文件读取到id数组。 awk uses a hash to implement lookups so they are efficient. awk使用散列来实现查找,因此它们是有效的。 The regular expressions /^.+$/ are meant to avoid processing empty lines. 正则表达式/^.+$/旨在避免处理空行。 The code is meant to be contained in a bash (text) file. 该代码应包含在bash (文本)文件中。

$2 will get the pieces id="nnnn"> and the split will get in array a[2] the part of that within the quotes. $2将得到片段id="nnnn"> ,并且split将在数组a[2]中得到引号内的部分。

awk one liner awk一线

$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} ($4 in a){gsub(/online/,"offline")}1' idfile.txt FS='"' replace.xml

First : Store all id's in a First :存储所有的ID在a
Next , while iterating over replace.xml, if id ie $4 exists in array a then replace online with offline . Next ,在遍历replace.xml时,如果id即$4存在于数组a则将online替换为offline Note: Field separator is " for replace.xml 注意:对于replace.xml,字段分隔符为"

Output 产量

<condition="offline" id="1111" >
<condition="online" id="2222" >
<condition="offline" id="3333" >
<condition="online" id="4444" >

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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