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即使在前端,Rails 5.1 ControllerTest也不会创建新条目

[英]Rails 5.1 ControllerTest doesn't create new entry even though in frontend it works

I use Rails 5.1 and have some trouble with a simple Controller Tests. 我使用Rails 5.1,在进行简单的控制器测试时遇到了一些麻烦。

I created a pretty standard Rails App with scaffolding: 我用脚手架创建了一个非常标准的Rails应用程序:

rails g scaffold Product title:string description:text image_url:string price:decimal rails g scaffold产品名称:字符串描述:文本image_url:字符串价格:小数

All the CRUD operations are working as expected. 所有CRUD操作均按预期进行。

But my controller test is causing me an headache: 但是我的控制器测试让我头疼:

I have the referenced test image files in my app/assets/images folder. 我的app / assets / images文件夹中有引用的测试图像文件。

In test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb: 在test / controllers / products_controller_test.rb中:

require 'test_helper'

class ProductsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  setup do
    @product = products(:one)
    @update = {
      title:       ' Lorem ipsum     ',
      description: ' Rails is great! ',
      image_url:   ' rails.png       ',
      price:       19.99

  test "should create product" do
    assert_difference('Product.count') do
      post products_url, params: { product: @update }

    assert_redirected_to product_url(Product.last)

In app/models/product.rb: 在app / models / product.rb中:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  validates :title, :description, :image_url, presence: true
  validates :price, numericality: {greater_than_or_equal_to: 0.01}
  validates :title, uniqueness: true
  validates :image_url, allow_blank: true, format: {
    with: %r{\.(gif|jpg|png)\Z}i,
    message: 'must be a URL for GIF, JPG or PNG image.'

In test/fixtures/files/products.yml: 在test / fixtures / files / products.yml中:

  title: MyString
  description: MyText
  image_url: rails.png
  price: 9.99

  title: Foo
  description: Bar
  image_url: MyString.png
  price: 9.99

The error message I'm getting is: 我收到的错误消息是:

ProductsControllerTest#test_should_create_product [myapp/test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:25]:
"Product.count" didn't change by 1.
Expected: 3
  Actual: 2

It looks like my test can't create new product entries. 看来我的测试无法创建新产品条目。 How can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

' rails.png ' doesn't satisfy the format for your image_url validation, check here . ' rails.png '不符合您的image_url验证格式,请点击此处

If you're expecting to create a new record for product, then consider removing the whitespaces, or adapting your regular expression. 如果您希望为产品创建新记录,请考虑删除空格或改编正则表达式。 This way it'd work: 这样就可以了:

@update = {
  title:       ' Lorem ipsum     ',
  description: ' Rails is great! ',
  image_url:   'rails.png',
  price:       19.99

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