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Github Graphql过滤Milestone的问题

[英]Github Graphql Filter issues by Milestone

I'm wrestling with Github's graphql api (while learning graphql) trying to get it to list all issues in a certain milestone. 我正在与Github的graphql api(同时学习graphql)进行摔跤,试图让它列出某个里程碑中的所有问题。 I can't figure out how to do that from the API docs. 我无法弄清楚如何从API文档中做到这一点。

I can query issues and see what milestone they're in (sorry, names redacted): 我可以查询问题并查看他们所处的里程碑(抱歉,名称已编辑):

query {
    repository(owner:"me", name:"repo") {
        issues(last:10) {
            nodes {
                milestone {

I wish there was a way to say something like issues(milestoneID:"xyz") , or perhaps if Issue would define a MilestoneConnection (doesn't appear to exist). 我希望有一种方法可以说出类似issues(milestoneID:"xyz") ,或者如果问题定义了MilestoneConnection (似乎不存在)。

In my reading / learning about GraphQL thus far, I haven't found a way to build arbitrary filters of fields if an explicit parameter is not defined in the schema (am I right about that?). 到目前为止,在我阅读/学习GraphQL时,如果未在模式中定义显式参数,我还没有找到构建任意字段过滤器的方法(我是否正确?)。

I guess I can query all of issues in the repository and post-process the JSON response to filter out the milestone I want, but is there a better way to do this with github + graphql? 我想我可以查询存储库中的所有问题并对JSON响应进行后处理以过滤掉我想要的里程碑,但有没有更好的方法来使用github + graphql?

You can use a search query with milestone filter : 您可以将搜索查询与milestone过滤器一起使用:

  search(first: 100, type: ISSUE, query: "user:callemall repo:material-ui milestone:v1.0.0-prerelease state:open") {
    pageInfo {
    edges {
      node {
        ... on Issue {

GitHub recently added the ability to see all issues that are associated with a given milestone. GitHub最近添加了查看与给定里程碑相关的所有问题的功能。 You should be able to fetch it with a query similar to: 您应该可以使用类似于以下的查询来获取它:

query($id:ID!) {
  node(id:$id) {
    ... on Milestone {
      issues(last:10) {
        edges {
          node {
            author {

Or if you don't know the node ID, you could do something like: 或者,如果您不知道节点ID,您可以执行以下操作:

query($owner:String!,$name:String!,$milestoneNumber:Int!) {
  repository(owner:$owner,name:$name) {
    milestone(number:$milestoneNumber) {
      issues(last:10) {
        edges {
          node {
            author {

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