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[英]how to deploy symfony on cpanel in public_html

Am trying to run symfony on the Cpanel in the public_html. 我正在尝试在public_html的Cpanel上运行symfony。 But when I access app_dev.php page it shows me 500 Internal Server error. 但是,当我访问app_dev.php页面时,它显示了500 Internal Server错误。 I tried all method which are available on internet. 我尝试了互联网上所有可用的方法。 I did same thing on the localhost but it is working on the localhost on the port 8000. But not working on the Cpanel. 我在localhost上做了同样的事情,但是它在8000端口的localhost上工作。但是在Cpanel上却不工作。 finding some solution 寻找一些解决方案 在此处输入图片说明

first of all, you can't browse app_dev.php except localhost, for this you have to add your public IP in app_dev.php 首先,除本地主机外,您无法浏览app_dev.php,为此您必须在app_dev.php中添加公共IP。

check app_dev.php line 13 检查app_dev.php第13行

clear cache and check permission for cache logs and session.if it's not solved your problem then just check Symfony log file, this will tell everything you need.... 清除缓存并检查缓存日志和会话的权限。如果仍不能解决您的问题,则只需检查Symfony日志文件,这将告诉您所需的一切。

and one more thing after placing your file in public_html your URL should be youdomain.com/web 在将文件放在public_html中之后,还有一件事是您的URL应该是youdomain.com/web

if you want to remove web from your url try this.... 如果您想从网址中删除网站,请尝试...。

shared hosting .htaccess for symfony 共享托管.htaccess用于symfony

This is the permission problem. 这是权限问题。 whenever you face this error please change the /username/public_html/web folder permission to 755 and app_dev.php -> 644 ,config.php -> 644 and app.php -> 644. 每当遇到此错误时,请将/ username / public_html / web文件夹权限更改为755和app_dev.php-> 644,config.php-> 644和app.php-> 644。

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