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[英]How to reset the content of recycler view in calling activity using Kotlin

What I want to do: As user type something in edittext, a API call and show the response in recyclerview. 我想做什么:当用户在edittext中键入一些内容时,将调用一个API并在recyclerview中显示响应。

in OnCreate() 在OnCreate()中

 usersData= ArrayList()


in OnResume() 在OnResume()中

searchText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
  override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
  override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
  override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) {

     Log.v("Text is ",s.toString())
     val url="https://api.github.com/search/users?q="+s.toString().trim()+"+sort:followers"

Method for fetching data 数据获取方法

private fun  fetchData(url: String) {

   val tag_string_req = "string_req"
   val strReq = StringRequest(Request.Method.GET,
                url, Response.Listener<String> {
                response ->
                   Log.d(TAG, response.toString())

                   val builder = GsonBuilder()
                   val gson = builder.create()
                   //val allItems=gson.fromJson(response,AllUsers::class.java)

                   val data=gson.fromJson(response,AllUsers::class.java)

                   Log.v("No of users",usersData?.size.toString())


        }, Response.ErrorListener { error ->
            VolleyLog.d(TAG, "Error: " + error.message)

        // Adding request to request queue
        AppController.getInstance().addToRequestQueue(strReq, tag_string_req)

But updated data is not passing in the adapter (it still have zero data). 但是更新的数据没有传递到适配器中(它仍然有零个数据)。 I getting the expected response from the API . 我从API获得预期的响应。 notifyDataSetChanged() is not updating the list. notifyDataSetChanged()不更新列表。

I thought notifyDataSetChanged also update the data automatically but no. 我以为notifyDataSetChanged也会自动更新数据,但是没有。

I need to call 我需要打电话


and in adapter: 并在适配器中:

fun updateData(users: ArrayList<Items>?){

Add this method in adapter 在适配器中添加此方法

fun addData(exList: MutableList<Object>) {

and add data from your activity/fragment like this 并像这样从您的活动/片段中添加数据

 projectsAdapter.addData(list as MutableList<Object>)

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