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Hyperledger Fabric v1.0:多个订购者

[英]Hyperledger fabric v1.0: multiple orderers

I'm currently working on a POC using hyperledger fabric + composer.我目前正在使用 hyperledger fabric + composer 处理 POC。 I am somewhat confused when it gets to the consensus mechanism between orderers.当谈到订购者之间的共识机制时,我有些困惑。 From what i understand reading the documentation, hyperledger currently only supports SOLO and KAFKA.根据我阅读文档的理解,hyperledger 目前仅支持 SOLO 和 KAFKA。 My understanding of SOLO is that the network only exists out of a single ordering node and no network consensus is reached between orderers (only 1 exists).我对 SOLO 的理解是,网络仅存在于单个排序节点之外,并且排序节点之间没有达成网络共识(仅存在 1 个)。

But this doesn't make sense to me;但这对我来说没有意义; my gut tells me it must be possible to add multiple orderers without the use of KAFA / Zookeeper and that hyperledger has another mechanism to reach consensus between these two.我的直觉告诉我,必须可以在不使用 KAFA / Zookeeper 的情况下添加多个排序器,并且超级账本有另一种机制可以在这两者之间达成共识。 The documentation regarding this is somewhat spotty and all over the place if i try to google it so i'm hoping someone can shed some light on the matter.如果我尝试用谷歌搜索它,关于此的文档有点参差不齐,而且到处都是,所以我希望有人可以对此事有所了解。

If no consensus mechanism exists between orderes besides a centralised one then what is the point of a distributed ledger platform?如果除了中心化机制之外,订单之间不存在共识机制,那么分布式账本平台的意义何在?

The primary usage of SOLO ordering is for development mode, where you would like to test functionality without a need to span complex distributed consensus solutions. SOLO 排序的主要用途是用于开发模式,您希望在这种模式下测试功能,而无需跨越复杂的分布式共识解决方案。 Moreover, note that consensus is a pluggable mechanism and could be replaced with anything you'd like, for example there is a recent proposal to use SmartBFT as an additional ordering service.此外,请注意,共识是一种可插拔机制,可以替换为您想要的任何内容,例如,最近有一项提议将SmartBFT用作附加排序服务。 Very similar to this you can add consensus mechanism of your own.与此非常相似,您可以添加自己的共识机制。

Currently if you need to distributed and highly available solutions for consensus there is a KAFKA based ordering service.目前,如果您需要分布式和高度可用的解决方案以达成共识,则可以使用基于 KAFKA 的订购服务。

The Raft-based consensus protocol was added in Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.1, which simplifies deployment and adds decentralization to OSNs. Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.1 中添加了基于 Raft 的共识协议,它简化了部署并为 OSN 添加了去中心化。 It removes the additional dependency of Kafka/ZooKeeper needed to run a fault-tolerant network.它消除了运行容错网络所需的 Kafka/ZooKeeper 的额外依赖。

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