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[英]Compile many SCSS files in one CSS file in PHP

I try to compile my SCSS files with the following script: 我尝试使用以下脚本来编译我的SCSS文件:

use Leafo\ScssPhp\Compiler;
$scss = new Compiler();
$cssContent = $scss->compile('@import "style.scss";');

The file style.scss has the following content: 文件style.scss具有以下内容:

/// Main Stylesheet
/// this file holds includes all files for the stylesheet

// a cleaner way to to breakpoints/media queries
// @source
//  http://breakpoint-sass.com/
@import "breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint";

// Helpful mixins
// @source
//  http://bourbon.io/docs/
@import "bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/bourbon";

// set default variables
@import "generic/variables/*";
// override default variables and set custom variables
@import "custom/generic/variables/*";

// generic - do not customize this files!
// files are generic and can be updated from base theme
@import "generic/*";
@import "vendor/**/*";
@import "objects/**/*";

// run through stuff in source folders, just patternlab stuff
@import "../source/**/*.scss";

// custom modifications
@import "custom/**/*";

The compiled css looks like: 编译后的CSS看起来像:

@import "breakpoint-sass/stylesheets/breakpoint";
@import "bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/bourbon";
@import "generic/variables/*";
@import "custom/generic/variables/*";
@import "generic/*";
@import "vendor/**/*";
@import "objects/**/*";
@import "../source/**/*.scss";
@import "custom/**/*";

So, the compiler compiled only the file style.scss, but did not import any of the files, which should be imported. 因此,编译器仅编译了文件style.scss,但未导入任何应导入的文件。

I tried to add all the imports manually, like: 我尝试手动添加所有导入,例如:

$cssContent .= $scss->compile('@import "bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/bourbon";');
$cssContent .= $scss->compile('@import "generic/variables/*";');

But it adds just the following two lines to the CSS code: 但它仅将以下两行添加到CSS代码中:

@import "bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/bourbon";
@import "generic/variables/*";

use sccs.inc.php 使用sccs.inc.php

for More details Visit http://leafo.net/scssphp/ 有关更多详细信息,请访问http://leafo.net/scssphp/

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