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Postgresql 9.6复制建议

[英]Postgresql 9.6 Replication Recommendation

I am in the process of setting up PostgreSQL 9.6 replication and I'm looking for the best way (PostgreSQL built-in option of 3rd party) to handle my situation. 我正在设置PostgreSQL 9.6复制,正在寻找最好的方法(第三方的PostgreSQL内置选项)来处理我的情况。

  1. I will have one master that will contain a certain set of tables & data that need to be replicated to several slaves. 我将有一个主服务器,其中包含一组需要复制到多个从服务器的表和数据。

  2. The data on the master can only be updated at the master. 主机上的数据只能在主机上更新。

  3. Each slave will contain the replicated tables and data, but will also need to hold various tables and data specific to that site. 每个从站都将包含复制的表和数据,但还需要保存特定于该站点的各种表和数据。

  4. The site specific data will not be replicated. 特定于站点的数据将不会被复制。

TIA for your suggestions. TIA为您提供建议。

You want to use the logical replication in PostgreSQL 10, which will be released very soon. 您想在即将发布的PostgreSQL 10中使用逻辑复制。 A release candidate is available now. 现在有候选版本。

The new logical replication will easily allow you to replicate only the tables you want to all the followers, while letting each follower have its own local tables. 通过新的逻辑复制,您可以轻松地仅将所需的表复制到所有关注者,同时让每个关注者拥有自己的本地表。 Binary replication (the only kind through version 9.6) does not permit this. 二进制复制(9.6版中唯一的一种)不允许这样做。

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