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使用cordove captureimage到设备文件名时,媒体文件中的本地图像文件路径不同

[英]Local image filepath different in mediafile when using cordove captureimage to device file name

I have had this issue start to appear with the device file name being created in this format:我已经开始出现这个问题,以这种格式创建的设备文件名:


But the media file data when using Cordova captureImage being returned as:但是使用 Cordova captureImage 时的媒体文件数据被返回为:


Therefore being unable to return the image.因此无法返回图像。

Here is the code:这是代码:

$('body').off('click', '#add-image-inspect-attr-list').on('click', '#add-image-inspect-attr-list', function(event) {                
            var options = { limit: 1 };
            navigator.device.capture.captureImage(inspectAttrPictureSuccess, inspectPictureError, options);

function inspectAttrPictureSuccess(imageData) {

var countOfImg = $('.image-display-inspect-attr-list').children().length;
var file = {
    ContentType: "image/jpeg",
    base64: imageData,
    Data: imageData,
    ID: countOfImg

var fileName = file.base64;

function inspectShowAttrFile(fileName, type) {

var countOfImg = $('.image-display-inspect-list').children().length;
$('.image-display-inspect-list').append('<img id="inspect-img-index-' + countOfImg + '" class="img-responsive img-thumbnail img-inspect" src="' + fileName[0].fullPath + '">');

The app is built with cordova 6.3.1 and the device has andriod 4.4.2该应用程序使用cordova 6.3.1构建,设备具有andriod 4.4.2

This works on some devices but not others这适用于某些设备,但不适用于其他设备

To get around this issue, I had to check what the last file added was to the image file location.为了解决这个问题,我必须检查最后添加到图像文件位置的文件。 Get the folder path, get the latest file added, then update the image data created by the captureImage function with the new file name and location data:获取文件夹路径,获取最新添加的文件,然后使用新的文件名和位置数据更新由 captureImage 函数创建的图像数据:

function inspectAttrPictureSuccess(imageData) {

var deviceImageFolder = imageData[0].localURL.replace(imageData[0].name, '');

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(deviceImageFolder, function (dirEntry) {
    var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
    directoryReader.readEntries(successfile, failfile);
}, function (err) {
    var errToSave = err.message;

function successfile(entries) {
    var latestimage = entries[entries.length - 1];

    imageData[0].fullPath = latestimage.fullPath
    imageData[0].localURL = latestimage.nativeURL
    imageData[0].name = latestimage.name

    var countOfImg = $('.image-display-inspect-attr-list').children().length;
    var file = {
        Filename: "inspect-attr-img-" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + ".jpg",
        ContentType: "image/jpeg",
        base64: imageData,
        Data: imageData,
        ID: countOfImg

    var fileName = file.base64;
    inspectShowAttrFile(fileName, 0);

function failfile(error) {
    console.log("Failed to list directory contents: ", error);

} }

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