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[英]relational database design, one meta table for several tables?

i do not know much about database design, recently i got a project that promises to need a huge database and i'm confused about what is the best way of designing an standard database structure(mysql). 我对数据库设计了解不多,最近我得到一个承诺需要一个大型数据库的项目,而我对设计标准数据库结构(mysql)的最佳方法感到困惑。

for example let's say we have 3 tables: users,shops,products each of these(users,shops,products) may have one or several details, like social page links(for shops),phone numbers(for users), addresses(for shops and users), colors\\materials(for products),etc... 例如,假设我们有3个表格:用户,商店,产品(用户,商店,产品)中的每一个都可能具有一个或几个详细信息,例如社交页面链接(用于商店),电话号码(用于用户),地址(用于商店和用户),颜色\\材料(用于产品)等。

should i create only one meta table and store all of the details in it or should i create separate meta tables for each table?(user_meta,shop_meta,product_meta). 我应该只创建一个元表并在其中存储所有详细信息,还是应该为每个表创建单独的元表?(user_meta,shop_meta,product_meta)。 which one is a better approach? 哪个是更好的方法?

any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 任何意见和建议将不胜感激。

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according to mr Branko Dimitrijevic every table should have it's own meta table. 根据Branko Dimitrijevic先生的说法,每个表都应该有自己的元表。

my problem is that user may have several types of details like: social pages url, user addresses,user role, etc... 我的问题是用户可能具有多种类型的详细信息,例如:社交页面网址,用户地址,用户角色等。

is it ok to design database like this: 这样设计数据库是否可以:

**Table: USERS**

userId | username | email | pass

**Table: USERS_META**

userId | metaType | metaValue

metaType will be the different types of details user can have like address,instagram page,facebook page,etc... metaType将是用户可以具有的详细信息的不同类型,例如地址,instagram页面,facebook页面等。

for example records in USERS_META table would be like: 例如,USERS_META表中的记录如下:

userId |   metaType   |       metaValue
2      |  address     | some address for user home
2      |  role        | 1(id of the role)
2      |  instagram   | instagram.com/userpage
3      |  address     | some address for user 3 home
3      |  facebook    | facebook.com/userpage
3      |  role        | 2(id of the role)
2      |  age         | 18
3      |  age         | 19

now if i want the address of user 2: 现在,如果我想要用户2的地址:

SELECT metaValue FROM USERS_META WHERE userId=2 AND metaType='adress'

and if i want users social pages link: 如果我希望用户社交页面链接:

SELECT metaValue FROM USERS_META WHERE userId=2 AND metaType IN($array)

is this a good way or should i create separate tables for each meta(USER_ADDRESSES,USER_SOCIAL,USER_AGE,etc...)? 这是个好方法还是我应该为每个元数据创建单独的表(USER_ADDRESSES,USER_SOCIAL,USER_AGE等)?

In a nutshell: you shouldn't "merge" multiple tables. 简而言之:您不应该“合并”多个表。

Even if they happen to have same fields, they almost certainly don't have same constraints (eg foreign keys pointing to them from other tables). 即使它们碰巧具有相同的字段,也几乎可以肯定没有相同的约束 (例如,从其他表指向它们的外键)。

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