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Angular 2:在 http.get 调用中获取 404 错误并返回 Observable

[英]Angular 2 : Get 404 error in http.get call with Observable return

i have a little problem, i have this code which work when it has to return a status 200 (all is OK)我有一个小问题,我有这个代码,当它必须返回状态 200 时可以工作(一切正常)

   httpCallGet(pathToCall: string, varToSend: string ): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get(this.url + pathToCall + varToSend, {headers : this.headers} )
        .map( res => res.json())

But when the URL is wrong and i have a 404 error, my site just crash with a console error.但是当 URL 错误并且出现 404 错误时,我的网站就会因控制台错误而崩溃。

How can i properly catch this type of error without error on the console and can i retry when error ?我怎样才能在控制台上正确地捕获这种类型的错误而没有错误,并且我可以在错误时重试?

I try .retry(3) but this code don't work and .subscribe don't work with Observable return (i'm not very easy with Observable ^^)我尝试 .retry(3) 但此代码不起作用并且 .subscribe 不适用于 Observable 返回(我不太容易使用 Observable ^^)

As someone an idea to fix this ?作为一个想法来解决这个问题?

Have your service return an observable that either returns the result or throws the error.让您的服务返回一个 observable,该 observable 要么返回结果,要么抛出错误。

 httpCallGet(pathToCall: string, varToSend: string ): Observable<any> {
  return this.http.get(this.url + pathToCall + varToSend, {headers : this.headers} )
    .map( res => res.json())
    .catch(error => Observable.throw('error');

Then in your component, handle the error.然后在您的组件中,处理错误。

getHttpData = () => {
  this.service.httpCallGet('someurl', '')
      result => this.handleResult(result),
      error => this.handleError(error)

handleResult = (data) => {
  // do stuff with data

handleError = (error) => {
  // do stuff with error

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