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powershell 查找原始磁盘或 MBR/GPT

[英]powershell finding disk raw or MBR/GPT

I am looking for AND condition in below command as I need offline and raw drives PS C:\\Users\\Administrator> Get-Disk |我在下面的命令中寻找 AND 条件,因为我需要离线和原始驱动器 PS C:\\Users\\Administrator> Get-Disk | where-Object IsOffline -EQ $true; where-Object IsOffline -EQ $true;

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-disk

Number Friendly Name                            OperationalStatus                    Total Size Partition Style
------ -------------                            -----------------                    ---------- ---------------
0      AWS PVDISK SCSI Disk Device              Online                                   100 GB MBR
1      AWS PVDISK SCSI Disk Device              Offline                                  100 GB RAW
2      AWS PVDISK SCSI Disk Device              Offline                                  100 GB RAW

So a few things wrong.所以有些事情是错误的。 I recommend learning the proper Powershell syntax.我建议学习正确的 Powershell 语法。 Here is what you want to do.这是你想要做的。

Get-Disk | Where partitionstyle -eq 'raw' | Out-file -FilePath C:\Users\user\Desktop\rawDisk.txt

Never use echo in powershell.切勿在 powershell 中使用 echo。 Use write-output if need be.如果需要,请使用write-output If writing to a file, the do out-file .如果写入文件,则执行out-file

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