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[英]How do I format my function to call a templated class?

I'm sure there is a very easy answer, but I can't figure it out. 我敢肯定有一个很简单的答案,但我不知道。 I have written a templated class, but I want to pass that class by reference in a class function that isn't templated. 我已经编写了模板化的类,但是我想在未模板化的类函数中通过引用传递该类。 Heres what I have. 这是我的东西。 I get a bunch of errors. 我遇到很多错误。 All I need to do is figure how to format the way to insert templated class into function, but I'm at a lost. 我需要做的只是弄清楚如何格式化将模板化类插入函数的方式,但是我很茫然。 Thank you and sorry if the code doesn't really help you out. 谢谢,如果代码不能真正帮助您,则对不起。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Foo {
    insert(const T& Item)
    //And other function, just examples

class noFoo(){
void test(Foo <T>& foo);
int i;
int j;
int k

template <typename T>
void noFoo::test(Food <T>& foo)}
cout << "hi";
int main() {
    Foo<char> wr;
    return 0;

Make test a function template. 使test成为功能模板。 I also corrected loads of syntax errors for you ( class noFoo() ?), removed unnecessary code, and ran clang-format for indentation. 我还为您纠正了许多语法错误( class noFoo()吗?),删除了不必要的代码,并运行了clang-format的缩进。

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class Foo {};

class noFoo
    template <typename T>
    void test(Foo<T> &);

template <typename T>
void noFoo::test(Foo<T> &)
    std::cout << "hi\n";

int main()
    Foo<char> wr;

Since your question is tagged , here the same code in D. 由于您的问题被标记为 ,因此这里的代码与D相同。

import std.stdio;

class Foo(T) {};

class noFoo
    void test(T)(Foo!(T))

void main()
    auto wr = new Foo!char;
    (new noFoo).test(wr);

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