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[英]How to implement Fabric-CA or third party CA in hyperledger fabric

I went through documentation on fabric-ca http://hyperledger-fabric-ca.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users-guide.html 我浏览了关于fabric-ca http://hyperledger-fabric-ca.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users-guide.html的文档。

I have below questions 我有以下问题

1.When will be fabric-ca come into picture in hyperperledger for user authentication or in msp certs generation or in both 1.什么时候fabric-ca会出现在用于用户身份验证或msp证书生成或两者中的超高分辨率中

  1. Can we use some other third party CA in place of fabric-ca 我们可以使用其他第三方CA代替fabric-ca

  2. What should be the things to be kept in mind if we use some third party CA. 如果我们使用某些第三方CA,应该记住什么。

  3. Is there any sample to understand it more(already went through balance-transfer) 是否有任何样品可以更好地理解它(已经通过平衡转移)

  1. fabric-ca comes into the picture for both authentication and MSP certs generation. fabric-ca用于身份验证和MSP证书生成。 The /enroll API requires basic authentication, and assuming success, will issue an enrollment certificate and populate the appropriate MSP directories. / enroll API需要基本身份验证,并且假设成功,将发出注册证书并填充相应的MSP目录。

  2. You have the following choices when it comes to using a CA with fabric: a) Use fabric CA to function as a root CA and/or intermediate CA. 在将CA与结构一起使用时,您有以下选择:a)使用结构CA作为根CA和/或中间CA。 b) Start fabric CA with an intermediate signing certificate which you get from an external CA. b)使用从外部CA获得的中间签名证书启动结构CA. c) Don't use fabric CA at all and use an external CA completely. c)根本不要使用结构CA并完全使用外部CA. With a & b, the fabric CA server can function as its own user registry, or it can talk to an LDAP server as the user registry. 使用&b,结构CA服务器可以充当其自己的用户注册表,或者它可以作为用户注册表与LDAP服务器通信。

3) When using a 3rd party CA (#c above), you will need to think about how you want to do access control in chaincode. 3)当使用第三方CA(上面的#c)时,您需要考虑如何在链代码中进行访问控制。 One option is based on the OU (Organizational Units) that a user's certificate has, which means the 3rd party CA will need to be able to restrict which OU values are issued to which users. 一个选项基于用户证书具有的OU(组织单位),这意味着第三方CA需要能够限制向哪些用户发布哪些OU值。 When using the fabric CA server to issue certificates, you can use Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) to perform access control for chaincode. 使用结构CA服务器颁发证书时,可以使用基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)对链代码执行访问控制。

4) There is a sample which is not merged yet at https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/13213/ . 4)在https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/13213/上有一个尚未合并的样本。 See the README.md for a description of how to run the sample and an overview of how it works. 有关如何运行示例的说明以及其工作原理的概述,请参阅README.md。

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