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将 void* 转换为 char*

[英]Cast void* to char*

I have a char * who points to the structure.我有一个指向结构的char * Here is my structure:这是我的结构:

struct prot
    int size;
    unsigned short codeAction;
    void *data;

I recovered size and codeAction , but now I want to recover data .我恢复了sizecodeAction ,但现在我想恢复data And when I cast my last 8 bytes I have nothing in it.当我投射最后 8 个字节时,我什么都没有。

The following code is just a test, it's a bad code:下面的代码只是一个测试,这是一个糟糕的代码:

char lol[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    lol[i] = test[i];

int size = *(int*)lol;

char loli[2];
int index = 0;   
for (int i = 4; i < 6; i++)
    loli[index] = test[i];

int code = *(short*)loli;

char lolo[8];
index = 0;
for (int i = 6; i < size; ++i)
    lolo[index] = test[i];

void *newData = (char *)lolo; // how can I cast it?

How I can display the content of newData ?如何显示newData的内容?

Your problem is that when casting lolo you actually cast a pointer to the char array you defined.您的问题是,在转换lolo您实际上是在转换一个指向您定义的 char 数组的指针。 So the result of the cast would be a char pointer to the first cell of the array.所以转换的结果将是一个指向数组第一个单元格的char指针。

Why don't you just use this as a struct and access the fields regularly?为什么不直接将其用作结构并定期访问字段?

Anyway, you want to use lolo as a 64 bit type pointer and the access what's in it.无论如何,您想将lolo用作 64 位类型的指针并访问其中的内容。

void* newData = *((uint64_t*)lolo)

Besides, don't loop until size in the last for loop, loop only 8 times, until lolo is full.此外,不要循环直到最后一个for循环中的size ,只循环8次,直到lolo已满。 The number of bytes in newData itself ( not what it points to) is constant, and is 4 bytes on 32bit machines, 8 bytes on 64bit ones. newData本身的字节数(不是它指向的)是常数,在 32 位机器上是 4 个字节,在 64 位机器上是 8 个字节。

Last thing - index++ , not o++ .最后一件事 - index++ ,而不是o++ o isn't defined, as much as I can see. o没有定义,就我所见。

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