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Amazon RDS 奇怪的指标 CPU 积分余额

[英]Amazon RDS Strange metrics CPU Credit Balance

We have RDS PostgreSQL instance with type db.t2.small .我们有类型为 db.t2.small 的 RDS PostgreSQL 实例。 And we have some strange moment with cpu credit balance metrics .我们在 cpu 信用余额指标方面有一些奇怪的时刻。 CPU Credit Usage not growing but balance is down to zero . CPU Credit Usage 没有增长,但余额降至零。 Anybody know in what could be problem?有人知道可能有什么问题吗? (RDS instance working fine without any problems). (RDS 实例工作正常,没有任何问题)。 在此处输入图片说明

I am seeing the same behavior with my T2-micro free tier RDS instance.我在 T2-micro 免费层 RDS 实例上看到了相同的行为。 My hypothesis right now is that the service window is when the instance is getting rebooted or hot swapped, resulting in a new instance with the default baseline number of credits.我现在的假设是,服务窗口是实例重新启动或热插拔的时间,从而产生具有默认基准信用数的新实例。 This makes Saturday night more appealing than Sunday night in order to be sure by the next business day credits re-accumulate.这使得周六晚上比周日晚上更具吸引力,以确保在下一个工作日重新累积积分。

From the documentation, it looks like CPU credits expire 24 hours after being earned.从文档来看,CPU 积分似乎在获得 24 小时后到期。

CPUCreditUsage CPUCreditUsage

[T2 instances] The number of CPU credits consumed by the instance. [T2 实例] 实例消耗的 CPU 积分数。 One CPU credit equals one vCPU running at 100% utilization for one minute or an equivalent combination of vCPUs, utilization, and time (for example, one vCPU running at 50% utilization for two minutes or two vCPUs running at 25% utilization for two minutes).一个 CPU 积分等于一个 vCPU 以 100% 的利用率运行一分钟或 vCPU、利用率和时间的等效组合(例如,一个 vCPU 以 50% 的利用率运行两分钟或两个 vCPU 以 25% 的利用率运行两分钟)。

CPU credit metrics are available only at a 5 minute frequency. CPU 信用指标仅以 5 分钟的频率提供。 If you specify a period greater than five minutes, use the Sum statistic instead of the Average statistic.如果您指定的时间段超过五分钟,请使用 Sum 统计数据而不是 Average 统计数据。

Units: Count单位:计数

CPUCreditBalance CPU信用余额

[T2 instances] The number of CPU credits available for the instance to burst beyond its base CPU utilization. [T2 实例] 实例可用的 CPU 积分数超出其基本 CPU 利用率。 Credits are stored in the credit balance after they are earned and removed from the credit balance after they expire.积分在获得后存储在积分余额中,并在到期后从积分余额中删除。 Credits expire 24 hours after they are earned.积分在获得后 24 小时到期。

CPU credit metrics are available only at a 5 minute frequency. CPU 信用指标仅以 5 分钟的频率提供。

Units: Count单位:计数

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/rds-metricscollected.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/monitoring/rds-metricscollected.html

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