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[英]how to truncate a character in string?


What you actually want is to change the scheme from "https" to "http" in an URL string. 您真正想要的是将URL字符串中的方案从“ https”更改为“ http”。 URLs can be safely manipulated using the URLComponents type: 可以使用URLComponents类型安全地操作URL:

var urlString = ""

if var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: urlString), urlComponents.scheme == "https" {
    urlComponents.scheme = "http"
    urlString = urlComponents.string!


If your intention is to create an URL request then you don't need the modified string, but only the URL(Request) with the changed scheme: 如果您打算创建一个URL请求,那么您不需要修改后的字符串,而只需要使用已更改方案的URL(Request)

let urlString = ""

guard var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: urlString) else {
    // ... invalid URL string, bail out ...
if urlComponents.scheme == "https" {
    urlComponents.scheme = "http"
guard let url = urlComponents.url else {
    // ... invalid URL, bail out ...

let request = URLRequest(url: url)
// ...

Try below code snippet: 请尝试以下代码片段:

let tmpStr = ""
      let modifiedStr  = tmpStr.replace("https", withString:"http")
    extension String
        func replace(target: String, withString: String) -> String
            return self.replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: withString, options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range: nil)

It's easy to replace text inside a string with the help of the method replacingOccurrences(of:) it is available from swift2 onwards. 借助方法replaceOccurrences (of :)可以轻松地替换字符串中的文本,该方法可从swift2开始使用。

let originalStr = ""
let finalStr = originalStr.replacingOccurrences(of: "https", with: "http")

option2 选项2

let str = ""

    if str.utf16.count >= 5{
        let a = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
        let result =  String(str[..<a])
        let replaced = str.replacingOccurrences(of: result, with: "http")

        //lenght in shorter

option3 2选项

 var str = ""
    str = str.stringByReplaceonFirstOccurrenceOfString(target: "https", withString: "http")

extension String
func stringByReplaceonFirstOccurrenceOfString(
    target: String, withString replaceString: String) -> String
    if let range = self.range(of: target) {
        return self.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: replaceString)
    return self

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