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[英]Vue: use a custom libary (pdf.js) in a component

How can I use a vendor libary (specifically I want to use PDF.js) in a Vue component? 如何在Vue组件中使用供应商库(特别是我要使用PDF.js)? (I only want to load it for this specific component as they are rather larger files) (我只想为此特定组件加载它,因为它们是相当大的文件)

I'm building an editor that needs to load a pdf. 我正在构建需要加载pdf的编辑器。 So I placed the pdf.js and pdf.worker.js in /src/assets/vendor/pdfjs 所以我将pdf.js和pdf.worker.js放在/ src / assets / vendor / pdfjs中

Then I load both in the template-editor-page.hbs that also loads the component: 然后,我同时加载了template-editor-page.hbs和模板组件:

<div class="content">
  <div class="row fill">
    <div class="col-md-2 fill br pt30">
    <div class="col-md-10 fill pt30 pl30 pr30">
      <div id="template-editor" class="template-editor">  
        <template-editor template-src="{{template.src}}"></template-editor>    
<script src="/assets/js/template-editor.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.worker.js"></script>

my template-editor.js (do I have to load it here?): 我的template-editor.js(我必须在这里加载吗?):

import Vue from 'vue';
import templateEditor from './components/template-editor.vue';

new Vue({
  el: '#template-editor',
  components: { templateEditor }

Now I want to load the file in my template-editor.vue: 现在,我想将文件加载到template-editor.vue中:

    <!-- ... -->


  export default {
    props: ['templateSrc'],
    name: 'template-editor',
    data() {
      return {
        src: this.templateSrc
    methods: {
      render() {
        PDFJS.getDocument(this.$data.src).then(function(pdf) {
        }, err => console.log(err));
    created: function() {

But I get an error saying 但是我说错了

ReferenceError: PDFJS is not defined

Everything else seems to be working out fine. 其他一切似乎都正常。 What am I missing? 我想念什么?

Instead of script tags for your vendor scripts, better use webpacks dynamic import feature ( https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/#dynamic-imports ) to load this vendor library in your render function: 最好使用webpacks动态导入功能( https://webpack.js.org/guides/code-splitting/#dynamic-imports )代替供应商脚本的script标签,以在渲染函数中加载此供应商库:

render() {
    import('/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.js').then(PDFJS => {
        PDFJS.getDocument(this.$data.src).then(function(pdf) {
        }, err => console.log(err));

For import to work you will also have to install this babel plugin http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/syntax-dynamic-import/ . 为了使import正常进行,您还必须安装此babel插件http://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/syntax-dynamic-import/

I think all that's missing is an import statement in your component, 我认为所缺少的只是您组件中的import语句,

CORRECTION Try with an '@' in the import location below. 正在下面的导入位置尝试使用“ @”。 I forgot, your component is probably in a sub-folder of 'src'. 我忘记了,您的组件可能位于“ src”的子文件夹中。 Also see note below about pdfjs-dist. 另请参阅以下有关pdfjs-dist的注释。

  import { PDFJS } from '@/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.js'

  export default {
    props: ['templateSrc'],
    name: 'template-editor',

Alternative 替代

Since you have webpack, you might be better off installing pdfjs-dist into node modules (see pdfjs-dist ), and removing it from './assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdj.js' 由于您具有webpack,因此最好将pdfjs-dist安装到节点模块中(请参阅pdfjs-dist ),然后将其从'./assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdj.js'中删除

npm install pdfjs-dist

If you do this, the import is more 'standard', 如果这样做,则导入将更“标准”,

import { PDFJS } from 'pdfjs-dist'

Thank's for your help guys. 感谢您的帮助。 Turns out the answer was hidden in the first snippet: I import the pdfjs AFTER the bundle. 原来答案隐藏在第一个代码段中:我在捆绑包之后导入pdfjs。 But since the bundle needs it, I need to import it BEFORE: 但是由于捆绑软件需要它,因此我需要在导入之前:

<script src="/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/vendor/pdfjs/pdf.worker.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/js/template-editor.bundle.js"></script>

Really not all that complicated after all ;) 毕竟不是真的那么复杂;)

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