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如何使用 PHP 列出网络驱动器中的目录?

[英]How to list the directories in a network drive using PHP?

I'm trying to retrieve the newly created folder name in a network location using PHP with no success.我正在尝试使用 PHP 在网络位置检索新创建的文件夹名称,但没有成功。 I have tried 2 different approaches:我尝试了两种不同的方法:

  1. Getting the folder name using Powershell in PHP.在 PHP 中使用 Powershell 获取文件夹名称。 I got the following error:我收到以下错误:

System error 5 has occurred.发生系统错误 5。 Access is denied.访问被拒绝。

path.ps1 :路径.ps1

net use Y: "\\hostname\folder" /user:administrator 'password'  /Persistent:Yes /y
$tat = Get-ChildItem -Directory Y:\folderlist | sort CreationTime -Descending | select -First 1 

pathtst.php : pathtst.php

$output = shell_exec('powershell.exe -command c:\scripts\path.ps1');
echo ($output);
  1. mapping network drive on the run from PHP and getting the folder names.从 PHP 运行映射网络驱动器并获取文件夹名称。 This ended with the error:这以错误结束:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message 'Source: WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive致命错误:未捕获的异常“com_exception”,消息为“来源:WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive”
Description: The network name cannot be found.描述:找不到网络名称。 ' in C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdomain.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php:10 Stack trace: #0 C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdomain.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php(10): com->MapNetworkDrive('X:', '\\hostname...', false, 'administrator', 'password') #1 {main} thrown in C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdoamin.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php on line 10 ' 在 C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdomain.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php:10 堆栈跟踪:#0 C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdomain.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php(10): com->MapNetworkDrive( 'X:', '\\hostname...', false, 'administrator', 'password') #1 {main} 被抛出到 C:\\HostingSpaces\\test1\\testdoamin.com\\wwwroot\\pathtst.php 第 10 行

pathtst.php : pathtst.php :

$letter = 'X';
$WshNetwork = new COM("WScript.Network");
$WshNetwork->MapNetworkDrive("$letter:", '\\hostname\folder', FALSE,     'administrator', 'password'); 
$dir = 'X:\folderlist';
$tblname = scandir($dir);


This code works well with a local drive like c:\\folder, but not with a mapped network drive.此代码适用于像 c:\\folder 这样的本地驱动器,但不适用于映射的网络驱动器。

Please note that I'm new to PHP and Powershell.请注意,我是 PHP 和 Powershell 的新手。

From what I see, you are making this very hard on yourself.就我所见,你对自己太苛刻了。

If you are using PHP, it has everything you need to list a directory, network or otherwise.如果您使用 PHP,它拥有列出目录、网络或其他方式所需的一切。

if($fh=opendir('\\\\path\\to\\files')) {
  while (false !== ($fi =readdir($fh))) {
    echo "$fi\n";

I pretty much copied this verbatim from the PHP docs for readdir [ reference ].我几乎从 PHP 文档中逐字复制了readdir [参考]。

There are a several things that you need to know.有几件事你需要知道。

  1. PHP does not have access to mapped drives as the drive letter. PHP 无法访问映射驱动器作为驱动器号。 That is set per user and not made available in the OS environment.这是按用户设置的,在操作系统环境中不可用。 This you need to point directly to the network path.这需要直接指向网络路径。
  2. PHP has a constant called DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , which on Windows returns the appropriate slash in a path name, but for your purposes, it seems unnecessary. PHP 有一个名为DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR的常量,它在 Windows 上返回路径名中的适当斜杠,但出于您的目的,它似乎没有必要。 What you need to be aware of is that normal directory slashes on Windows are interpreted as the escape characters, so if you type a directory path like you did, what gets interpreted is c:scriptspath.ps1 ;which is also why you get the Access Denied error.您需要注意的是,Windows 上的普通目录斜杠被解释为转义字符,因此,如果您像这样键入目录路径, c:scriptspath.ps1解释的内容是c:scriptspath.ps1 ;这也是您获得Access Denied错误。 Best thing for your purposes would be to write it how I indicated in my code above with the extra slashes that will give you what you want.最适合您的目的是按照我在上面的代码中指示的方式编写它,并使用额外的斜杠来提供您想要的东西。

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