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如何在json codeigniter rest服务器中使用json对象返回编码的json

[英]How to return encoded json with json object in json codeigniter rest server

I am using the codeigniter rest by phil sturgeon. 我正在使用菲尔·urge鱼的codeigniter支架。

I want to return a JSON object that contains another JSON object within. 我想返回一个JSON对象,其中包含另一个JSON对象。

My code looks like this 我的代码看起来像这样

function volunteer_get()
            $this->response(NULL, 400);


        $user = $this->users_model->get( $this->get('id') );
        $address = $this->address_model->getAddress( $this->get('id') );

        $user->address = $address;

        $userJson = json_encode($user);

        /*if($user && $user->auth_level == 1)
            $this->response($userJson, 200); // 200 being the HTTP response code
            $this->response(NULL, 404);

It is not showing any result... If i do this without adding the php object in the other php object, it shows me the json! 它没有显示任何结果...如果我在不将php对象添加到其他php对象中的情况下执行此操作,则会显示json!

D:\wamp\www\codeigniter\application\controllers\api\Users.php:37:string '{"user_id":"1","username":"abc","email":"abc","auth_level":"1","banned":null,"passwd":"abcdefg","passwd_recovery_code":"abcdefg","passwd_recovery_date":"2017-06-12 18:50:31","passwd_modified_at":"2016-11-18 21:20:30","last_login":"2017-08-30 15:10:36","created_at":"2016-09-02 12:01:46","modified_at":"2017-08-30 15:22:45","first_name":"aze","family_name":"'... (length=1354)

In general, you need to check whether you got a JSON object (usually a PHP dictionary or object) or a JSON representation (a string). 通常,您需要检查是否有JSON 对象 (通常是PHP字典或对象)或JSON 表示形式 (字符串)。

You can not add a string to another string. 您不能将一个字符串添加到另一个字符串。 And if you add a string to a dictionary or object, it won't be properly encoded as a JSON sub-object because it is, well, a string. 而且,如果您将字符串添加到字典或对象中,则由于它是字符串,因此无法正确编码为JSON子对象。

So if you have a representation, you have to decode it first : 因此,如果您有一个表示形式,则必须先对其进行解码

// Here, $dataOne is a string, and $dataTwo is too.
// we decode to array rather than to object (see manual for json_encode)

$dataOneJSON = json_decode($dataOne, true);

$dataTwoJSON = json_decode($dataTwo, true);

$dataOneJSON['two'] = $dataTwoJSON;

$result = json_encode($dataOneJSON);

$this->response($result, 200);

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