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[英]Machform integration with Salesforce

What i want: 我想要的是:

I have created a form in machform . 我已经在machform中创建了一个表单。 Now I need to save this form data to my salesforce account somewhere (either as account or leades or contacts that's not the issue) 现在,我需要将此表单数据保存到我的salesforce帐户中的某个地方(无论是作为帐户还是潜在客户或联系人)

What i tried: 我的尝试:

1. I tried to follow this tutorial: 1.我试图遵循本教程:

https://www.machform.com/blog-mailchimp-integration/ https://www.machform.com/blog-mailchimp-integration/

And try to send data through Use Custom HTTP Headers but failed. 并尝试通过使用自定义HTTP标头发送数据,但失败。

2. I tried to use Machform->settings->send data to another website to do integration with salesforce. 2.我尝试使用Machform->设置->将数据发送到另一个网站来与Salesforce集成。 But as I said I am failed. 但是正如我所说,我失败了。

3. I asked a question to forum also, But they din't replied. 3.我也向论坛提问,但是他们没有回答。

What I have succeeded is only create a form with input-text+radio button+textarea and save its value to machfrom itself as well as send all data to admin+registered user in mail. 我已经成功完成的工作仅是创建一个带有输入文本+单选按钮+文本区域的表单,并将其值保存到自身的mach中,并将所有数据通过邮件发送给admin +注册用户。

Note: there is no code data so I am unable to give any code. 注意:没有代码数据,所以我无法提供任何代码。

I've never even heard about that Machform app so take my answer with a grain of salt. 我什至从未听说过该Machform应用程序,因此请一言以蔽之。

  1. See if there are any ready made integrations. 查看是否有现成的集成。 Searching Salesforce AppExchange doesn't bring any results but maybe there's a Machform plugin for that? 搜索Salesforce AppExchange不会带来任何结果,但是也许有一个Machform插件可以实现?
  2. Typically sending data to Salesforce requires at least 2 steps (doesn't matter which API is used): 通常,将数据发送到Salesforce至少需要2个步骤(与使用哪个API无关):

    • send username & password, get Session Id back (and often new endpoint to which subsequent requests should be directed) 发送用户名和密码,获取会话ID(通常是新端点,应将后续请求定向到该端点)
    • use this session id to insert records to Salesforce 使用此会话ID将记录插入Salesforce

    So unless your app has some options for multi-step forms you'll have hard time without coded solution. 因此,除非您的应用程序具有针对多步表单的某些选项,否则您将无法使用编码解决方案。 In a pinch the user could authenticate in SF earlier and copy-paste his session id but that's poor usability. 紧急情况下,用户可以在SF中进行身份验证,然后将其会话ID复制粘贴,但是可用性很差。

  3. If you have a Salesforce Admin handy, he/she could create a Web-to-Lead solution in SF. 如果您有Salesforce管理员,那么他/她可以在SF中创建Web-to-Lead解决方案。 it's pure configuration and at the end you're left with piece of HTML code generated by SF that you can inject to any website you wish. 这是纯配置,最后剩下的是SF生成的HTML代码,您可以将其插入到您想要的任何网站中。 So you could have a look at this form, see what data it passes, to what end URL and reuse it. 因此,您可以查看此表单,查看其传递的数据,到达的最终URL并重新使用它。

    • if you go through this route make sure to not expose anywhere on the web your Salesforce Organization ID (one of hidden params in the generated form which global SF uses to route the data). 如果您采用这种方法,请确保不要在Web上的任何地方公开您的Salesforce组织ID(全局SF用于路由数据的生成形式中的隐藏参数之一)。 You might start getting some spam if you leave it in wide open internet just like that. 如果您将这样的垃圾邮件留在开放的互联网中,则可能会开始收到一些垃圾邮件。
    • I think ince you enable web-to-lead you can't turn it off so it'd definitely be something you want to play with first in a Developer Edition or sandbox before doing it in production. 我认为,一旦启用了网络销售线索,就无法将其关闭,因此肯定要在开发人员版本或沙箱中首先使用它,然后再将其投入生产。
  4. If you have Salesforce Developer handy, he/she could build a "Site" (piece of Salesforce exposed to wide open web without requiring a SF user account). 如果您方便使用Salesforce Developer,则他/她可以构建一个“站点”(Salesforce的一部分,无需使用SF用户帐户即可访问广泛的开放网络)。 Or "inbound email handler" class and then your app could be sending emails to special mailbox, with form data in message's body.. 或“入站电子邮件处理程序”类,然后您的应用程序可能会将电子邮件发送到特殊邮箱,并且邮件正文中包含表单数据。
  5. Can it work other way around? 它可以以其他方式工作吗? Could Salesforce pull data from Machform, let's say every 5 minutes? Salesforce可以每5分钟从Machform中提取数据吗? The app would have to be available on the net (not in your company's intranet for example... unless you'll start the dance with security team about opening ports on firewalls, reverse proxies, demilitarized zones and all that stuff). 该应用程序必须在网络上可用(例如,不在您公司的Intranet中...除非您与安全团队开始讨论在防火墙,反向代理,非军事区和所有这些东西上打开端口)。 Here a lot depends on how Machform can be exposed for integration. 这在很大程度上取决于如何公开Machform进行集成。 SOAP (WSDL)? SOAP(WSDL)? REST? 休息?
  6. Maybe you could have another database to which Machform can easily write in turn some other app would be pushing data to SF... 也许您可以拥有另一个数据库,Machform可以轻松地向该数据库中依次编写一些其他应用程序,将数据推送到SF ...

At least now you have some keywords you can search for in detail ;) 至少现在您有了一些可以详细搜索的关键字;)

After searching and working on it i got pretty simple solution (step-by-step given below):- 经过搜索和处理后,我得到了非常简单的解决方案(下面提供了分步说明):-

  1. Go to your salesforce account->Setup 转到您的salesforce 帐户->设置

  2. In the left side bar click Customize->leads->Web-to-lead. 在左侧栏中,单击“ 自定义”->“潜在客户”->“网络至潜在客户”。

  3. Now click on "Create-Web-To-Lead-Form" button.Now you will see this window:- https://prnt.sc/gtz6xw 现在单击“创建Web到引线表格”按钮。现在您将看到此窗口:-https: //prnt.sc/gtz6xw


  1. Now generate the form:- https://prnt.sc/gtz8dc 现在生成表格: -https : //prnt.sc/gtz8dc


  1. when form generated leave that tab untouched.Don't click on any button there. 生成表单时, 不要更改该标签。不要单击此处的任何按钮。 :- https://prnt.sc/gv18as -https : //prnt.sc/gv18as


  1. We did this much only to get the unique id+url+fields name attribute through which we are going to save machForm form data to salesforce. 我们这样做只是为了获得唯一的id + url + fields name属性,通过该属性我们可以将machForm表单数据保存到salesforce。

  2. Now time to go to MachForm account and under you form click edit.:- https://prnt.sc/gtzapt 现在是时候去MachForm帐户了,在您的表单下单击Edit。:- https://prnt.sc/gtzapt


  1. Now we have to add a hidden field with the unique identifier which we got from the "Web-To-Lead-Form":- https://prnt.sc/gv18rz 现在,我们必须添加一个隐藏字段,该字段具有从“ Web-To-Lead-Form”中获得的唯一标识符: -https : //prnt.sc/gv18rz


  1. Add hidden filed into the form with the same name and value what you got from "Web-To-Lead-Form" and then save the form and click on "I am finished" button on the pop-up:- https://prnt.sc/gv19v7 And https://prnt.sc/gv1ab0 将具有与“ Web-To-Lead-Form”相同名称和值的隐藏文件添加到表单中,然后保存该表单并单击弹出窗口上的“我完成了”按钮: -https:// prnt.sc/gv19v7https://prnt.sc/gv1ab0



  1. Now click on the notification button of that form:- https://prnt.sc/gtze8a 现在单击该表单的通知按钮: -https : //prnt.sc/gtze8a


  1. Now check the chec-box of "Send Form Data to Another Website":- https://prnt.sc/gv1awp 现在选中“将表单数据发送到另一个网站”的复选框:-https: //prnt.sc/gv1awp


  1. You wiil see a box is open under it. 您将看到下面有一个打开的盒子。 Now we will add things one-by-one 现在我们将一一添加

  2. Inside Website URL add the url you get from "Web-To-Lead-Form" :- https://prnt.sc/gv1bi7 在网站URL内添加从“ Web-To-Lead-Form”获得的URL: -https : //prnt.sc/gv1bi7


  1. Skip other things and now come to Parameters. 跳过其他事情,现在进入参数。 Now the name filed need to be matxh to corresponding names of "Web-To-Lead-Form" so that it can match. 现在,提交的名称必须与“ Web-To-Lead-Form”的相应名称相匹配,以便可以匹配。

    First Name field== first_name. Last Name field == last_name.

  2. Now to get machform data for corresponding value click on merge tag and select particular tag. 现在,要获取对应值的machform数据,请单击merge标签并选择特定标签。 Now you will get it's value, copy paste it to the corresponding column.:- https://prnt.sc/gtzws2 现在您将获得它的值,将其复制粘贴到相应的列中。 -https : //prnt.sc/gtzws2


  1. After mapping all form fileds values Now click on save.:- https://prnt.sc/gv1cqd 映射所有表单文件值之后,现在单击保存。:-https : //prnt.sc/gv1cqd


  1. Now just simply close your tab in which you have "Web-to-lead" form.Now we don't have any use of that.Remind that You have to close it not to save it 现在,只需关闭您具有“网络到销售线索”表单的标签即可。现在,我们不再使用该表单。提醒您,您必须关闭它才能保存它

Now you can test your form and you will see that it's data save to "Leads section" inside "salesforce". 现在,您可以测试表单,您将看到它的数据保存到“ salesforce”中的“ Leads section”。

Thanks 谢谢

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