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在Windows 10中使用cordova-plugin-file复制SQLite数据库cordova-sqlite-storage

[英]Using cordova-plugin-file to copy SQLite database cordova-sqlite-storage in Windows 10

I need some help with cordova-plugin-file to backup a database used by cordova-sqlite-storage in Windows 10 App. 我需要关于cordova-plugin-file的帮助,以备份Windows 10 App中cordova-sqlite-storage使用的数据库。 My Code works fine on Android platform. 我的代码可以在Android平台上正常运行。 Database can be copied in both directions (backup and restore). 可以双向复制数据库(备份和还原)。 Database used by the App seems to be the following: 该应用程序使用的数据库似乎如下:

C:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\io.cordova.hellocordova_h35559jr9hy9m\\LocalState\\sample.db C:\\ Users \\ myuser \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ io.cordova.hellocordova_h35559jr9hy9m \\ LocalState \\ sample.db

The App tries to use this Location to locate the file, but it's not found: 该应用程序尝试使用此位置来定位文件,但未找到:

ms-appx:///databases/sample.db ms-appx:///databases/sample.db

How do I get the right location for Windows to copy the file? 如何获得Windows复制文件的正确位置?

This is the Code I use to copy the file: 这是我用来复制文件的代码:

backupDatabase(name: string): Promise { backupDatabase(name:string):承诺{

return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) => 
  var fileName: string = window.cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory + 'databases/' + name;
  var directoryName: string = window.cordova.file.externalRootDirectory;

  window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(fileName, (file: FileEntry) => {
    console.log('[!] Database exists: ' + fileName);
    console.log('[!] Storage: ' + directoryName);
    window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(directoryName, (directory: DirectoryEntry) => {
      console.log('[!] Directory: ' + directory.toURL());
      directory.getDirectory("Backup", {create: true, exclusive: false}, (directoryBackup: DirectoryEntry) => {
        console.log('[!] Directory: ' + directoryBackup.toURL());
        file.copyTo(directoryBackup, name, (copiedFile: Entry) => {
          console.log('[!] Copy success');
        }, (error: FileError) => {
          console.log('[!] Copy failed: ' + error.code);
      }, (error: FileError) => {
        console.log('[!] Backup Directory not found: ' + directoryName + 'Backup' + ' errorcode: ' +  + error.code);
    }, (error: FileError) => {
      console.log('[!] Directory not found: ' + directoryName + ' errorcode: ' +  + error.code);
  }, (error: FileError) => {
      console.log('[!] Database not found: ' + fileName + ' errorcode: ' +  + error.code);

The App tries to use this Location to locate the file, but it's not found: 该应用程序尝试使用此位置来定位文件,但未找到:

ms-appx:///databases/sample.db ms-appx:///databases/sample.db

How do I get the right location for Windows to copy the file? 如何获得Windows复制文件的正确位置?

Your are using the wrong scheme ms-appx:/// refers to the package installed location . 您使用错误的方案ms-appx:///指向软件包的安装位置

For C:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\io.cordova.hellocordova_h35559jr9hy9m\\LocalState\\sample.db 对于C:\\Users\\myuser\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\io.cordova.hellocordova_h35559jr9hy9m\\LocalState\\sample.db

you need to use ms-appdata:///local/sample.db . 您需要使用ms-appdata:///local/sample.db

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