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[英]How to iterate through a list in javascript

Server returns a list of data, and I want to iterate through the list. 服务器返回数据列表,我想遍历该列表。

Here is how the data is structured (got it from browser debugger): 数据的结构如下(从浏览器调试器中获取):


And the function: 和功能:

function (token) {
    hub.server.getOnlinePlayers(token).done(function (onlinePlayers) {
        MyData.nextOnlinePlayersToken = onlinePlayers.Token;
        $.each(onlinePlayers.Items, function () {
            var id = this.userId;

until this line everything works fine ( Token value is null intentionally): 直到这一行一切正常为止( Token值故意为空):

MyData.nextOnlinePlayersToken = onlinePlayers.Token;

But the next line the debugger shows that onlinePlayers is undefined. 但是调试器的下一行显示未定义onlinePlayers What possibly is wrong? 可能是什么问题? Thanks. 谢谢。

I think you are mistaken $.each() and $(selector).each() 我认为您错了$ .each()$(selector).each()

$( "li" ).each(function( index ) {
  // here you can access current li element with this.

You are trying to get the jQuery object which calls each, but you don't have it. 您正在尝试获取调用每个对象的jQuery对象,但是您没有它。 I believe in this case this is the global jQuery object. 我相信在这种情况下, this是全局jQuery对象。

You need to pass index and value arguments if you are using the $.each() 如果使用$.each()则需要传递索引和值参数。

$.each(onlinePlayers.Items, function (index, value) {
   var id = value.userId; 

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