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[英]Paypal PDT Error 4002

I am integrating Paypal into a website via Worldpay's APM payment API. 我正在通过Worldpay的APM付款API将Paypal集成到网站中。

I have enabled PDT on my paypal sandbox and am using Paypal's PHP example code from their github repo to retrieve the data, however every call I do to verify the transaction via PDT returns FAIL Error: 4002. 我已经在我的贝宝(Paypal)沙盒上启用了PDT,并且正在使用来自其github仓库中的贝宝(Paypal)的PHP示例代码来检索数据,但是我为验证通过PDT进行的交易所做的每一次调用都返回失败错误:4002。

This appears to be a generic error message and the solutions on the paypal developer website has not helped me to resolve the problem. 这似乎是一般性错误消息,并且在贝宝开发人员网站上的解决方案没有帮助我解决问题。

I also found a question from this site (in 2015) which suggested uppercase-ing the tx code. 我还在这个网站上(2015年)发现了一个问题,该问题建议将tx代码大写。 This has not helped either. 这也没有帮助。

Does anyone have experience verifying with PDT while using Worldpay who has resolved this issue? 解决此问题的人在使用Worldpay时是否有使用PDT进行验证的经验?


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