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商务Paypal WPS无法转换不受支持的货币

[英]Commerce paypal WPS not convert unsupported currency

Hi i try to use drupal 7 commerce paypal WPS payment method but my store use BGN - Bulgarian lev currency and when i try to checkout my order with paypal 30BGN in paypal are 30USD. 嗨,我尝试使用drupal 7商务paypal WPS付款方式,但我的商店使用BGN-保加利亚列弗汇率,当我尝试在paypal中使用Paypal 30BGN结帐我的订单时,价格为30USD。 How to fix this problem? 如何解决这个问题?

The PayPal WPS (Payments Standard) module only supports the currencies identified in Paypal's API documentation https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/rest/currency-codes/ . PayPal WPS(付款标准)模块仅支持在Paypal的API文档https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/direct/rest/currency-codes/中标识的货币。

Since BGN isn't on the list, it falls back to USD. 由于BGN不在列表中,因此会回落到USD。 You can either: a) patch the PayPal module to support payment transactions in BGN b) use the Commerce Multicurrency module [ https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_multicurrency] to get an actual conversion rate between BGN and a PayPal supported currency you want to transact in. 您可以:a)修补PayPal模块以支持BGN中的支付交易b)使用Commerce Multicurrency模块[ https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_multicurrency]来获取BGN和支持的PayPal之间的实际转换率您要交易的货币。

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