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使用嵌套的 forEach 循环将对象推送到数组

[英]Using nested forEach loops to push and object to an array

I'd love an explanation as to why the result of this function don't match my expectation.我想解释一下为什么这个函数的结果不符合我的期望。

const numbers = [ 1, 2 ]
const objects = [{f: 'a'}, {f: 'b'}]

async function(domain) {
  let matrix = []
  objects.forEach((object) => {
    numbers.forEach((number) => {
      object.number = number
  return matrix


The result, once the promise is resolved returns:结果,一旦承诺被解决,就会返回:

  { f: 'a', number: 2 },
  { f: 'a', number: 2 },
  { f: 'b', number: 2 },
  { f: 'b', number: 2 } 


But, my expectation is that it would return:但是,我的期望是它会返回:

  { f: 'a', number: 1 },
  { f: 'a', number: 2 },
  { f: 'b', number: 1 },
  { f: 'b', number: 2 } 

One of the things that puzzles me the most is that if I console.log the value of object just before I push, it logs out each of the objects in my expected result.最让我困惑的一件事是,如果我在推送之前console.log对象的值,它会记录我预期结果中的每个对象。

Because objects are passed by reference and you are modifying original object, instead you can push new object.因为对象是通过引用传递的并且您正在修改原始对象,所以您可以推送新对象。

 const numbers = [ 1, 2 ] const objects = [{f: 'a'}, {f: 'b'}] let matrix = [] objects.forEach((object) => { numbers.forEach((number) => { matrix.push({...object, number}) }) }) console.log(matrix)

Use Array.flatMap() to iterate the objects , with a nested Array.map() to iterate the numbers and return an array of new objects with the relevant number.使用Array.flatMap()迭代objects ,使用嵌套的Array.map()迭代numbers并返回具有相关数字的新对象数组。 The flatMap will flatten the arrays produced by the map to a single array: flatMap 会将地图生成的数组展平为单个数组:

 const numbers = [ 1, 2 ] const objects = [{f: 'a'}, {f: 'b'}] const matrix = objects.flatMap(o => // map the objects and flatten numbers.map( // map the numbers number => ({ ...o, number }) // return a new object with the number ) ); console.log(matrix);

Old answer:旧答案:

Use nested Array#map to iterate the objects and the numbers , and Object#assign to create new objects that include the relevant number.使用嵌套的Array#map迭代objectsnumbers ,使用Object#assign创建包含相关数字的新对象。 Flatten resulting nested arrays by using the spread syntax in Array#concat :使用Array#concat 中展开语法来展平生成的嵌套数组:

 const numbers = [ 1, 2 ] const objects = [{f: 'a'}, {f: 'b'}] const matrix = [].concat(... // flatten the nested arrays objects.map((o) => // map the objects numbers.map( // map the numbers (number) => Object.assign({}, o, { number }) // return a new object with the number ) )); console.log(matrix);

@Nenad is correct. @Nenad是正确的。 You can also do it with reduce and map .您也可以使用reducemap来做到这一点。

 const numbers = [ 1, 2 ]; const objects = [{f: 'a'}, {f: 'b'}]; const matrix = numbers.reduce((acc, nxt) => { const numberedObjs = objects.map(obj => ({...obj, number:nxt})); acc.push(...numberedObjs); return acc; }, []);

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