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[英]Implementing a for loop in racket

I have been trying to implement a for loop inside a recursive function using a for loop. 我一直在尝试使用for循环在递归函数内实现for循环。 Using the already implemented "for" in racket is not permitted. 不允许在球拍中使用已经实施的“ for”。 Is there a way to implement such a case? 有办法实现这种情况吗?

Note : I am using an Intermediate Student Language for the same. 注意:我使用的是中级学生语言。

First off for in #lang racket is purely for side effects. 首先for#lang racket纯粹是为了副作用。 Usually you would want the other variants like for/map and for/fold that ends up producing a value. 通常,您会希望其他变量如for/mapfor/fold最终产生一个值。

Racket is a descendant of Scheme and all looping in it is just syntactic sugar for a recursive function being applied. Racket是Scheme的后代,所有循环都只是应用递归函数的语法糖。 As an example the do loop: 例如, do循环:

(do ((vec (make-vector 5))
     (i 0 (+ i 1)))
    ((= i 5) vec)
  (vector-set! vec i i))                  
; ==>  #(0 1 2 3 4)

In reality the language doesn't have do as a primitive. 在现实中,语言没有do一个原始的。 Instead the implementation usually have a macro that makes it into this (or something similar): 取而代之的是,实现通常具有一个使它包含在其中的宏(或类似的东西):

(let loop ((vec (make-vector 5)) (i 0))
  (if (= i 5)
        (vector-set! vec i i)
        (loop vec (+ i 1)))))

This is of course just sugar for this: 当然,这只是糖:

((letrec ((loop (lambda (vec i)  
                    (if (= i 5)
                          (vector-set! vec i i)
                          (loop vec (+ i 1)))))))
 (make-vector 5) (i 0))

And of course letrec is also sugar... It goes down to just using lambda at some level. 当然, letrec也是糖。它可以归结为只是在某种程度上使用了lambda

Here is an example. 这是一个例子。 The function squares produces a list of the first n square numbers. 函数squares产生前n平方数的列表。 To produce that list, it loops over the number 0, ..., n-1 using an index i . 为了产生该列表,它使用索引i遍历数字0,...,n-1。

 (define (squares n)
    (define (loop i)
      (if (= i n)
          (cons (* i i) (loop (+ i 1)))))
    (loop 0))

 (squares 10)

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