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Windows Server 2012 w/域上的文件服务器文件夹权限

[英]File Server Folder Permissions on Windows Server 2012 w/Domain

I am migrating an old File Server to a new one and have created a new structure that will have ranging permissions.我正在将旧文件服务器迁移到新文件服务器,并创建了一个具有范围权限的新结构。

The new file structure is similar to :新的文件结构类似于:

01 - CEO ........ <- only CEO can access 01 - CEO ........ <- 只有 CEO 可以访问
02 - Finance ........ <- only Finance & CEO can access 02 - Finance ........ <- 只有 Finance & CEO 可以访问
03 - HR .............. <- only HR can access 03 - HR ......................... <- 只有 HR 可以访问
04 - Operations ....... <- Everyone can access but some sub-folder restrictions as well 04 - 操作....... <- 每个人都可以访问,但也有一些子文件夹限制

How do i set permissions on these folders so that everyone can see the folders, but if anyone except the CEO trying to access the 01-CEO folder, they get access denied?我如何设置这些文件夹的权限,以便每个人都可以看到这些文件夹,但是如果除了 CEO 之外的任何人试图访问 01-CEO 文件夹,他们的访问都会被拒绝? Obviously, any sub-folders will never been seen by anyone except the CEO.显然,除了 CEO 之外,任何人都不会看到任何子文件夹。

I have tried ways of permissions, but for the life of me cannot get this to happen.我已经尝试了权限的方法,但我这辈子都无法做到这一点。 I have been able to make the 01-CEO folder disappears for non-CEO's but I'd prefer an "access denied" message so that people know the folder exists.我已经能够让非 CEO 的 01-CEO 文件夹消失,但我更喜欢“拒绝访问”消息,以便人们知道该文件夹存在。

I figured it out.我想到了。 Needed to disable Access-Based Enumeration in the Server Manager.需要在服务器管理器中禁用基于访问的枚举。

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