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[英]Promise.then() doesn't work on first button click

The problem I have is that when I click on the "NewQuoteButton" on the FIRST time the page loads, I get an error: quoteGenerator.getQuote(...).then is not a function . 我的问题是,当我第一次在页面加载时单击“ NewQuoteButton”时,出现错误: quoteGenerator.getQuote(...).then is not a function However, if I click the button again, I'm able to generate the quotes normally. 但是,如果再次单击该按钮,则可以正常生成报价。 Also upon examining my network tab in Chrome inspector, I noticed I had a lot more get requests and responses from the API while my quote that is being displayed is lagging behind. 另外,在Chrome检查器中检查“网络”标签后,我注意到我收到的来自API的请求和响应很多,而所显示的报价却落后了。

I'm new to Promises and currently practicing utilizing it along with revealing module pattern. 我是Promises的新手,目前正在练习与显示模块模式一起使用它。 My understanding is that a Promise calls then() which takes a function with that resolved promise's value as the argument. 我的理解是,一个Promise调用then(),该方法将一个函数以已解析的promise的值作为参数。 Therefore, my getQuote() should work because it returns a Promise containing a quote object. 因此,我的getQuote()应该可以工作,因为它返回一个包含引号对象的Promise。 Can someone point me in the right direction. 有人可以指出我正确的方向。 Thanks! 谢谢!

const quoteGenerator = (function(){
  let url = "https://andruxnet-random-famous-quotes.p.mashape.com/?cat=famous";
  let apiHeader = new Headers({
    "X-Mashape-Key": "..."
  let init = {
    headers : apiHeader,
  let quoteInfo = {};

  let getQuote = function(){
    fetch(url, init)
      .then(response => {
        if (response.ok){
          return response.json();
        throw new Error("Get request failed");
        }, networkError => console.log("Error: " + networkError))
      .then(jsonResponse => {
        quoteInfo = Promise.resolve({
          quote: jsonResponse.quote,
          author: jsonResponse.author
      return quoteInfo;   

  return {
    getQuote : getQuote


//Triggers when user clicks on social media button to share quote.
//Checks to see if quote has been generated from quoteGenerator before
//sharing it, if not, then button does nothing.

const clickHandler = (function(){
  let triggerClicked = function(){
    $("#twitter").on("click", function(e){

    $("#newQuoteButton").on("click", function(e){
        //ERROR BELOW//
        //ERROR ABOVE//
        $("#quoteSection > h2").html("<i class='fa fa-quote-left'></i>" + 
                                     quoteInfo.quote + "<i class='fa fa-quote-right'></i>");
        $("#author").html("<i>- " + quoteInfo.author + "</i>");
  return {
    handleClicks: triggerClicked


Return the data within Promise chain, and as pointed out by @nnnnnn 返回Promise链中的数据,并由@nnnnnn指出

getQuote() returns quoteInfo . getQuote()返回quoteInfo The first time it is called the promise has not yet completed, so quoteInfo is still the empty {} object it was initialised as. 第一次调用promise尚未完成,因此quoteInfo仍然是它初始化为的空{}对象。

quoteInfo can be omitted from the code 可以从代码中省略quoteInfo

let getQuote = function() {
    return fetch(url, init)
      .then(response => {
        if (response.ok){
          return response.json();
        throw new Error("Get request failed");
        }, networkError => console.log("Error: " + networkError))
      .then(jsonResponse => {
        return {
          quote: jsonResponse.quote,
          author: jsonResponse.author

  $("#newQuoteButton").on("click", function(e){
    $("#quoteSection > h2")
    .html("<i class='fa fa-quote-left'></i>" 
    + quoteInfo.quote + "<i class='fa fa-quote-right'></i>");
    $("#author").html("<i>- " + quoteInfo.author + "</i>");

You need to return the fetch call 您需要返回提取调用

let getQuote = function(){
    return fetch(url, init)   // <<<<<<< use 'return'
      .then(resp => {
       return resp.ok ? resp.json() : Promise.reject(Error('Get request failed'));
      .catch(networkError => {
       console.error('Error: ' + networkError);
       return Promise.reject(networkError); // <<<< have to call reject here, or throw
      .then(jsonResponse => {
        return {
          quote: jsonResponse.quote,
          author: jsonResponse.author

dynamic typing FTW :) 动态输入FTW :)

4 tips: 4个提示:

  1. use console.error instead of console.log for errors since this writes to stderr not stdout 使用console.error而不是console.log进行错误,因为这会写入stderr而不是stdout

  2. use single quotes - they are easier to read IMO 使用单引号-它们更易于阅读IMO

  3. Promise catch blocks are usually a little cleaner than using "err-backs", IMO IMO承诺的捕获块通常比使用“错误返回”更干净

  4. Use a real Error object for your errors, not just a message, otherwise will be difficult to track down. 对错误使用真实的Error对象,而不仅仅是消息,否则将难以跟踪。 You don't need the new keyword, just call Error(). 您不需要new关键字,只需调用Error()。

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