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[英]Why won't this code work on a string?

So i am practicing algorithms(javascript), and i come across this challenge, where we have to filter an array, remove the following elements:所以我正在练习算法(javascript),我遇到了这个挑战,我们必须过滤一个数组,删除以下元素:

false, NaN, undefined, "", null, 0假,NaN,未定义,“”,空,0

My code seems to have problems with strings and chars, it failed these tests.我的代码似乎在字符串和字符方面有问题,它没有通过这些测试。

-bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]) should return [7, "ate", 9] (returned [7, 9]) -bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9]) 应该返回 [7, "ate", 9] (返回 [7, 9])

-bouncer(["a", "b", "c"]) should return ["a", "b", "c"] (returned []) -bouncer(["a", "b", "c"]) 应该返回 ["a", "b", "c"] (返回 [])

    function bouncer(arr) {
        return arr.filter(function(element)
                    if (element != false && !isNaN(element) && element != null && element != "" && element != undefined)
                        {return element;}

I would love a simple explanation of the concept i am missing我想对我缺少的概念做一个简单的解释

function bouncer(arr) {
    return arr.filter(function(element) {
            if (element) {
                return element;

Here is the answer for you.这是给你的答案。

Beside the given coercion propblem with != instead of !== , you could filter by using Boolean as callback, which returns truthy elements.除了使用!=而不是!==给定的强制转换问题之外,您还可以使用Boolean作为回调进行过滤,该回调返回真实元素。

 function bouncer(arr) { return arr.filter(Boolean); } console.log(bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9])); // [7, "ate", 9] console.log(bouncer(["a", "b", "c"])); // ["a", "b", "c"]

The below code works for all the conditions.以下代码适用于所有条件。 Please have a look at it.请看一看。

function bouncer(arr) {
    return arr.filter(function(element) {
        if (element && element.trim().length > 0 && element != "NaN") {
            return element;

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