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Liferay LDAP身份验证忽略密码

[英]Liferay LDAP authentication ignoring password

I've configured an LDAP authentication on my Liferay Portal 6.2 CE. 我已经在Liferay Portal 6.2 CE上配置了LDAP认证。

The problem I figured out is that when users login, my portal ignore completely the password check. 我发现的问题是,当用户登录时,我的门户网站会完全忽略密码检查。

This is the current user mapping: 这是当前的用户映射:

Username: sAMAccountName
Email: userPrincipalName
Password: unicodePwd
Name: givenName
Second name: middleName
Surname: sn
Fullname: cn 
Gruppo: memberOf

Moreover, the portal is configured to ignore Liferay internal password authentication, delegating to LDAP: 此外,门户网站配置为忽略Liferay内部密码身份验证,委托给LDAP:


Try setting the following two properties in portal properties extension file. 尝试在门户网站属性扩展文件中设置以下两个属性。


Restart you application container and then give it a try. 重新启动您的应用程序容器,然后尝试一下。

This is a pretty wild guess on my part because the problem is not well stated. 就我而言,这是一个非常疯狂的猜测,因为问题没有得到很好的陈述。 If the aforementioned changes do not work can you do the following. 如果上述更改不起作用,您可以执行以下操作。

  1. Restate what is or is not currently working with explicit detail 用明确的细节重述当前正在使用或不使用的内容
  2. State how you would like it to work 说明您希望它如何工作
  3. Post all of your portal override files 发布所有门户覆盖文件
  4. Post your entire app server console from when you start the server to when you try and log in 从启动服务器到尝试登录时,发布整个应用服务器控制台

Post any other log entries pertaining to LDAP you think are important 发布您认为重要的与LDAP有关的任何其他日志条目

It was mandatory to specify forcing ldap authentication flag as true. 必须将强制ldap身份验证标志指定为true。 This configuration solved the problem. 此配置解决了该问题。

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