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[英]Binding complex data to an ItemsControl

So basically I have an list of an object that contains another List of objects. 所以基本上我有一个对象列表,其中包含另一个对象列表。 Lets say I have an List of the object Class . 可以说我有一个Class对象的列表。 And Class contains a list of Students . 班级包含Students名单。 Every student has a property Name as a simple string. 每个学生都有一个简单字符串形式的Name属性。

So basically what I want is the following: The user can select a class using a ComboBox. 因此,基本上我想要的是以下内容:用户可以使用ComboBox选择一个类。

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Classes}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" />

That works. 这样可行。

After selecting an Item from that ComboBox, the user should see a list of every student in that class (remember the property Name in Students ) 从组合框选择一个项目后,用户将看到该类别每个学生的名单(还记得属性NameStudents

I have created a simple ItemsControl for that purpose. 为此,我创建了一个简单的ItemsControl。

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Classes}">
            <StackPanel />
            <Label Content="Name of the Student">

My question is: How do I get access to the students name in my label? 我的问题是:如何获得标签中的学生姓名?

Your view model should have a SelectedClass property, which would be updated by binding it to the ComboBox's SelectedItem property: 您的视图模型应该具有SelectedClass属性,可以通过将其绑定到ComboBox的SelectedItem属性来进行更新:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Classes}"
          SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedClass}" .../>

You would then bind the ItemsControl to the Students collection of the selected Class like this: 然后,您可以将ItemsControl绑定到所选班级的Students集合,如下所示:

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedClass.Students}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>

Note that the view model must implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and fire the PropertyChanged event when SelectedClass changes. 请注意,视图模型必须实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口,并在SelectedClass更改时触发PropertyChanged事件。

In a quick and dirty approach without a SelectedClass view model property, you could also directly access the ComboBox's SelectedItem like this: 在没有SelectedClass视图模型属性的快速而肮脏的方法中,您还可以像这样直接访问ComboBox的SelectedItem:

<ComboBox x:Name="cbClasses" ItemsSource="{Binding Classes}" ... />

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedItem.Students, ElementName=cbClasses}">

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