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[英]Insert iframe into site without using document.write

Our website uses an iframe to display a library of products we offer, and recently the iframe stopped loading in Google Chrome, because they stopped supporting document.write. 我们的网站使用iframe来显示我们提供的产品库,最近,由于iframe不再支持document.write,因此iframe停止在Google Chrome中加载。 We need a solution to show the page the same way we have been, but without using document.write. 我们需要一种解决方案以与以前相同的方式显示页面,但不使用document.write。 I am a novice, and have tried several solutions but nothing has worked. 我是新手,曾尝试过几种解决方案,但没有任何效果。

what we have: 我们有什么:

<script language="JavaScript">
var ss='<span style="font-size: small;"><b>NOTICE:</b> If you are having 
trouble finding a pattern, try searching the first three letters of the 
pattern name in the search bar. Also, be aware that some sheers may be 
photographed with a window pane to show sheer quality.<br>If you are using 
Google Chrome and have an issue viewing the library, please switch to another 
var upper_limit = 500000000;

  function getIP(json) {

        document.write('<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" width="100%" 
height="700" src=" ' + 'http://client.richloomfabrics.com/cgi-bin/Wdrv01?
&amp;PARPAR=CON&amp;MELMEL=ALL&amp;PTYPTY=UPH&amp;IPAIPA=' + json.ip + 
'&amp;IPACOK=' + RandomNumber(upper_limit) + '&amp;PGMPGM=WC033&amp;>

<script type="application/javascript" src="https://api.ipify.org?

We use a shopping cart, which is why we need the random number and IP. 我们使用购物车,这就是为什么我们需要随机数和IP。 I have tried a few solutions I've seen but don't know enough about this to properly edit. 我已经尝试了一些见过的解决方案,但对它的了解不足以进行正确的编辑。 Can anyone send me in the right direction? 谁能按正确的方向发送给我?

In a very simple case you can just use innerHTML property of body , something like this 在一个非常简单的情况下,您可以只使用body innerHTML属性,像这样

<script language="JavaScript">
var ss='<span style="font-size: small;"><b>NOTICE:</b> If you are having 
trouble finding a pattern, try searching the first three letters of the 
pattern name in the search bar. Also, be aware that some sheers may be 
photographed with a window pane to show sheer quality.<br>If you are using 
Google Chrome and have an issue viewing the library, please switch to another 
var upper_limit = 500000000;

document.body.innerHTML += ss;
  function getIP(json) {

        document.body.innerHTML += '<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" width="100%" 
height="700" src=" ' + 'http://client.richloomfabrics.com/cgi-bin/Wdrv01?
&amp;PARPAR=CON&amp;MELMEL=ALL&amp;PTYPTY=UPH&amp;IPAIPA=' + json.ip + 
'&amp;IPACOK=' + RandomNumber(upper_limit) + '&amp;PGMPGM=WC033&amp;>

<script type="application/javascript" src="https://api.ipify.org?

You can also use appendChild 您也可以使用appendChild

var iframeElem = document.createElement('iframe');
iframeElem.src = 'https://www.google.com';

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