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[英]Python: Sorting a list of dictionaries by a value from a list of tuples in the dictionary

I'm have trouble with lists and dictionaries. 我在使用列表和字典时遇到麻烦。 I have a list of dictionaries of skiers. 我有一个滑雪者的字典清单。 Similar to below: 类似于以下内容:

skier_1 = {'id': 123,
           'first_name': 'John',
           'last_name': 'Smith',
           'times': [('race_1', 32.25), ('race_2', 33.5), ('race_3', 44)]}

skier_2 = {'id': 234,
           'first_name': 'Allison',
           'last_name': 'Anderson',
           'times': [('race_1', 29.5), ('race_2', 41), ('race_3', 40.25)]}

skier_3 = {'id': 456,
           'first_name': 'Bob',
           'last_name': 'Johnson',
           'times': [('race_1', 31), ('race_2', 41), ('race_3', 39.75)]}

skiers = [skier_1, skier_2, skier_3]

I am supposed to write a function to return a list of the n skier dictionaries with the fastest time on the race passed in. If there is a tie, it should be broken by skier id. 我应该写一个函数来返回n个滑雪者字典的列表,其中列出了比赛中最快的时间。如果有平局,应该用滑雪者ID打破。

def fastest_n_times(skiers, race_name, n):

I'm getting confused on how to sort the list by a value from a tuple in a list in the dictionary skier_x. 我对如何根据字典skier_x中列表中的元组的值对列表进行排序感到困惑。 My plan was to sort the list completely then just return the n highest. 我的计划是将列表完全排序,然后只返回n个最高位。 I can sort by skier id pretty easily. 我可以很容易地按滑雪者ID排序。

def fastest_n_times(skiers, race_name, n):
   by_id = []
   from operator import itemgetter
   by_id = sorted(skiers, key=itemgetter('id'))

However, getting the times out of the dictionary. 但是,把时间从字典中弄出来。 I have no idea. 我不知道。 I've tried: 我试过了:

for skier in skiers:
    fastest_skiers = sorted(skiers, key=itemgetter(sort_key)(itemgetter('assignments')(skier)))

I know this loop isn't the right way. 我知道这个循环是不正确的方法。 However, this returns an error TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable . 但是,这将返回错误TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable I know tuples are immutable, but I don't know why it is not callable? 我知道元组是不可变的,但是我不知道为什么它不可调用?

def fastest_n_times(skiers, race_name, n):
   fastest_skiers = []
   from operator import itemgetter
   fastest_skiers = sorted(skiers, key=itemgetter('how to get a specific value from a list of tuples'))

Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

Thanks! 谢谢!

edit: 编辑:

The expected results should be something like: 预期结果应类似于:

print(fastest_n_times(skiers, 'race_1', 2))
> [skier_2, skier_3]

print(fastest_n_times(skiers,'race_3', 3))
> [skier_3, skier_2, skier_1]

print(fastest_n_times(skiers, 'race_1', 2))
> [skier_2, skier_1]

print(fastest_n_times(skiers, 'race_2', 3))
> [skier_1, skier_2, skier_3]

print(fastest_n_times(skiers, 'race_1', 1))
> [skier_2]

edit 2: I am now trying to create my own function for a key. 编辑2:我现在正在尝试为密钥创建自己的函数。 I can get the race times correct, but I don't know how to use it as a key. 我可以正确地确定比赛时间,但是我不知道如何将其用作关键。 I have: 我有:

def fastest_n_times(skiers, race_name, n):
    fastest_times = []

    fastest_times = sorted(skiers, key=get_race_key(???, race_name))

def get_race_key(skier, race_name):
    key_values = []

    key_values = [y for x,y in skier['race_name'] if x == race_name]

I know normally it would be something like: fastest_times = sorted(skiers, key=get_race_key) 我知道通常是这样的:fastest_times = sorted(滑雪者,钥匙= get_race_key)

but I need that race_name passed in for the correct time. 但我需要在正确的时间内传递race_name。

For comparing the tuple you have to access times key's values : 为了比较元组,您必须访问times键的值:

    import collections
    new_dict = collections.OrderedDict()

    skier_1 = {'id':123,

    skier_2 = {'id':234,

    skier_3 = {'id':456,

    skiers = [skier_1, skier_2, skier_3]

    for i,j in zip(skiers,skiers_names):


    for i in skiers:


    for i in new:

    race_1.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])  # sorts in place
    race_2.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])  # sorts in place
    race_3.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])  # sorts in place

    def fastest_n_times(skiers, race_name, n):


        for i in race_name[:n]:
            for j,k in new_dict.items():
                if i in k:
                    if j not in return_list:

        return return_list

output: 输出:

>> print(fastest_n_times(skiers, race_1, 2))

['skier_2', 'skier_3']

>> print(fastest_n_times(skiers,race_3, 3))

['skier_3', 'skier_2', 'skier_1']

>> print(fastest_n_times(skiers, race_2, 3))

['skier_1', 'skier_2', 'skier_3']

>> print(fastest_n_times(skiers, race_1, 1))


To implement your fastest_n_times function, you need first to collect the time of the selected race for each skier, in order to sort by time. 要实现您的fastly_n_times函数,您首先需要为每个滑雪者收集所选比赛的时间,以便按时间排序。

Then, you can extract the n fastest skiers. 然后,您可以提取n个最快的滑雪者。

For instance: 例如:

def fastest_n_times(skiers, selected_race, n):
    time_skier_list = []
    for skier in skiers:
        for race, time in skier['times']:
            if race == selected_race:
                time_skier_list.append((time, skier))
    n_fastest = time_skier_list[:n]
    return [f[1] for f in n_fastest]

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