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[英]pass variable to angularjs directive template

I am trying to pass variable to directive 我正在尝试将变量传递给指令

app.directive('pagination',function () {
    //custom directive for build pagination
    return {
        restrict: 'E'
        template:function (elem,attr) 
            //not getting the value 

in my html 在我的HTML中

<pagination page-count="pageCount" ></pagination>

but the pageCount value is not getting inside the template but page-count=2 this will give the value inside the template 但是pageCount值不在template内部,而是page-count=2这将为模板提供值


 <% var i = 1;
            if (currentPage > 5) {
                i = +currentPage - 4;
            } %>
        <% for (i; i<=pageCount; i++) { %>
        <% if (currentPage == i) { %>
        <li class="page-item active"><a href="#" class="page-link"><%= i %></a></li>
        <% } else { %>
        <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" href="?page=<%= i %>"><%= i %></a></li>
        <% } %>
        <% if (i == (+currentPage + 4)) { %>
        <% break; } %>
        <% } %>

I want to equivalent HTML in angularjs 我想在angularjs中使用等效的HTML

currentPage and pageCount values can be get from the controller 可以从控制器获取currentPagepageCount


Now i can able to get the values in link 现在我可以获取link的值

return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            pagecount: '=',
            currentpage: '='
        template:function (elem,attr) {
           return 'hello';
        link:function (scope,elem,attr) {

But how can i dynamically build the HTML 但是我该如何动态构建HTML

You could retrieve the value from the scope by couple of way. 您可以通过两种方式从范围中检索值。

  1. Using scope: {} isolated scope, and use that binding on page directly. 使用scope: {}隔离范围,然后直接在页面上使用该绑定。 You can't directly get scope bindings inside template function. 您不能直接在template函数中获取作用域绑定。

     app.directive('pagination',function ($compile) { //<- inject $compile //custom directive for build pagination return { restrict: 'E', template: '<div>{{pageCount}}</div>' scope: { pageCount: '='//or use `>` if it is Angular 1.5.3+ }, link: function (scope,elem) { //get scope.pageCount value and create template based on it. And append to body var template = 'myTemplateInStringFormat'; element.append($compile(template)(scope)); } }; }) 
  2. Evaluate value from the current scope. 从当前范围评估价值。 using $eval / $parse inside the link function of directive. 在指令的链接函数中使用$eval / $parse Like $scope.$eval('pageCount'); 就像$scope.$eval('pageCount');

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