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onclick 事件在 iphone 上不起作用

[英]onclick event doesn't work on iphone

I have form which should upload image.我有应该上传图片的表格。 each form placed in iframe放置在 iframe 中的每个表单

<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; cursor: pointer;" onclick="document.querySelector('.register-upload-input').click()">
   <form method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <input class="register-upload-input" style="display: none;" onchange="document.querySelector(".preloader").style.display="block";document.querySelector("form").submit();" accept=".jpg,.jpeg,.png" name="image" type="file">

so I click on iframe, file upload dialog appears and I can choose image.所以我点击 iframe,出现文件上传对话框,我可以选择图像。 body element has onclick event. body元素有onclick事件。 everything works fine, but when I try to upload images with iphone nothing happens, dialog prompt dosn't show up.一切正常,但是当我尝试使用 iphone 上传图像时,没有任何反应,对话框提示不显示。 it works on android, but doesn't work on iphone.它适用于android,但不适用于iphone。 I did research, usually such problem happens cause the element should has cursor: pointer in styles.我做了研究,通常发生这样的问题是因为元素应该在样式中具有cursor: pointer I added it, but nothings changed我添加了它,但没有任何改变

Do not set display:none on <input> ,you can set height:0px instead.不要在<input>上设置display:none ,你可以设置height:0px


I checked my note, find that there has been a same question on stackoverflow.查了一下笔记,发现stackoverflow上也有同样的问题。

the same question is here .同样的问题在这里

Three things are causing this problem:导致此问题的三个原因:

  1. At javascript, removing return false;在 javascript 中,删除 return false; of event listener.事件监听器。

  2. At the stylesheet, the element which calls the action must have the property cursor: pointer;.在样式表中,调用动作的元素必须具有属性 cursor:pointer;。 Probably Apple put this requirement in these calls for best feedback on user interface.可能苹果在这些呼吁中提出了这一要求,以获得对用户界面的最佳反馈。

  3. Again at the stylesheet, we can't setting display: none;再次在样式表中,我们不能设置 display: none; for hidden input because some browsers don't accept clicks on elements that aren't displayed.对于隐藏输入,因为某些浏览器不接受对未显示元素的点击。

Adding the following CSS to the IFrame content.将以下 CSS 添加到IFrame内容。

html, body {
    touch-action: auto;

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