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[英]form action and sumbit button onclick function are not working together

<form name="payform" method="POST">
<input style="display:none" id="txnid" name="txnid" ng-model="transactionid" />
<input style="display:none" id="productinfo" name="productinfo" value="bill payment" />
<input style="display:none" id="mobileNumber" name="phone" ng-model="mobileNumber" />
<input id="buttonPay" type="submit" class="mdl-button" value="SUBMIT" onclick="prePay()" >

my html code looks like this. 我的html代码看起来像这样。 i have to post the contents of textboxes to pay.jsp file. 我必须将文本框的内容发布到pay.jsp文件中。 and i have to perform some additional operations on the submit button's onclick event. 而且我必须对“提交”按钮的onclick事件执行一些其他操作。



document.getElementById("payform").action = "/pay.jsp";

but when i click submit button the onclick function is not working. 但是当我单击提交按钮时,onclick功能不起作用。 just redirecting to the page 只是重定向到页面

You use getElementById . 您使用getElementById Your form doesn't have id , it has only name . 您的form没有id ,只有name Try add id="payform" to form tag. 尝试将id="payform"添加到form标签。

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