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Cloud Firestore中多租户的命名空间

[英]Namespaces for Multi tenancy in Cloud Firestore

How do we set a different database / namespace in Firestore? 我们如何在Firestore中设置不同的数据库/命名空间? This would be helpful in building multi-tenancy SaaS products. 这有助于构建多租户SaaS产品。

It's something being considered, but no firm plans yet. 这是正在考虑的事情,但还没有坚定的计划。

The current method would require you to create separate projects. 当前方法需要您创建单独的项目。 A collection name scheme might be possible, but you'll run into composite index limits for the project. 可能有集合名称方案,但您将遇到项目的复合索引限制。

Based on the recent announcements by google, it looks this will become a thing: 根据谷歌近期发布的消息 ,看起来这将成为一件事:

Cloud Firestore, currently available in beta, is the next generation of Cloud Datastore, and offers compatibility with the Datastore API and existing client libraries. Cloud Firestore目前处于测试阶段,是下一代云数据存储,并提供与Datastore API和现有客户端库的兼容性。 With the newly introduced Datastore mode on Cloud Firestore, you don't need to make any changes to your existing Datastore apps to take advantage of the added benefits of Cloud Firestore. 借助Cloud Firestore上新引入的数据存储模式,您无需对现有数据存储区应用程序进行任何更改即可利用Cloud Firestore的额外优势。 After general availability of Cloud Firestore, we will transparently live-migrate your apps to the Cloud Firestore backend , and you'll see better performance right away, for the same pricing you have now, with the added benefit of always being strongly consistent. 在Cloud Firestore普遍可用之后, 我们将透明地将您的应用程序实时迁移到Cloud Firestore后端 ,您将立即看到更好的性能,因为您现在拥有相同的定价,并且始终保持强大的一致性。 It'll be a simple, no-downtime upgrade. 这将是一个简单的,无需停机的升级。 Read more here about Cloud Firestore. 在此处阅读有关Cloud Firestore的更多信息。

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