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更改的字体大小 <pre> 根据父级宽度和高度的变化动态标记

[英]change font size of <pre> tag dynamically based on the parent width and height changing

I have elements like 我有像

 <div id="container"> <pre> Hai, This is first line This is second line This is last line </pre> </div> 

I want to change the font size of the 我想更改字体大小 dynamically with the correct alignment when i change the height and width of the main div. 当我更改主div的高度和宽度时,以正确的对齐方式动态地动态调整。

I'll go either with Viewport percentage or Media queries : 我将使用视口百分比或媒体查询:

 #container1 > pre { font-size: 3vw; } #container2 > pre { font-size: 20px; } @media (max-width: 500px) { #container2 > pre { font-size: 10px; } } 
 <div id="container1"> <pre>Using vw</pre> </div> <div id="container2"> <pre>Using media queries</pre> </div> 

If you are looking for a JavaScript solution, this post may help you : How to detect DIV's dimension changed? 如果您正在寻找JavaScript解决方案,则此文章可能对您有所帮助: 如何检测DIV的尺寸已更改? They explain how to listen properly to element size changes 他们解释了如何正确聆听元素大小的变化

You may try: You can use vw 您可以尝试: 可以使用vw

 #container{ font-size: 7vw; } 
 <div id="container"> <pre> Hai, This is first line This is second line This is last line </pre> </div> 

Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/e420fkL7/3/ 这是小提琴: https : //jsfiddle.net/e420fkL7/3/

A library ( Repo Here ) is used to detect changes in the element's dimensions. 库( 此处Repo )用于检测元素尺寸的变化。 Since CSS cannot be used to detect changes on an element's width, JS was necessary. 由于无法使用CSS来检测元素宽度的变化,因此需要JS。

<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/legomushroom/resize/master/dist/any-resize-event.min.js"></script>
<div id="container">
  <pre id="resizeThis">
    This is first line
    This is second line
    This is last line

Here's the JS: 这是JS:

// This example uses an external library for checking resize of the element.

var container = document.getElementById("container");
container.addEventListener("onresize", setFontSize);

function setFontSize(){
  var width = container.offsetWidth; // Get the width of the div

  var minSize = 11; // Minimum font size

  // Here, we make any operation on the width/height and check if it is less that the minimum font size, or any other conditions.
  var toSet = (width * 0.03) < minSize ? minSize : (width * 0.03);

  document.getElementById("resizeThis").style.fontSize = toSet + "px";


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