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[英]How to fix image not showing on recycler view using image array?

I have created recyclerView on fragment with data on arrays.xml and I have one problem, image not showing in my recyclerView . 我在fragment.xml上的数据片段上创建了recyclerView ,但我arrays.xml一个问题,图像未显示在recyclerView I think its a problem in fragment but I am not sure. 我认为这是一个零散的问题,但我不确定。

This is my distroData.java 这是我的distroData.java

private final String mTitle;
private final String mDescription;
private final String mWeb;
private final int mThumbnail;

public DistroData (String title, String description, String web, int thumbnail){
    mTitle = title;
    mDescription = description;
    mWeb = web;
    mThumbnail = thumbnail;

public String getWeb(){
    return mWeb;

public int getThumbnail(){
    return mThumbnail;

public String getTitle(){
    return mTitle;

public String getDescription(){
    return mDescription;

} }

and this is my fragment : 这是我的片段:

private void getDatas(){
    mGetDatas = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>(){
        List<PerintahLinuxData> datas;
        String[] titles;
        String[] descriptions;
        int[] thumbnails;

        public void onPreExecute(){
            datas = new ArrayList<>();
            titles = getActivity().getResources().getStringArray(R.array.p_title);
            descriptions = getActivity().getResources().getStringArray(R.array.p_desc);
            thumbnails = getActivity().getResources().getIntArray(R.array.p_thumbnail);

and this is my adapter : 这是我的适配器:

public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {




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