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流星+ React中出现错误提示“状态未定义”。

[英]Error mensage “state is not defined” in Meteor + React.

Which is wrong with this function, I try to fade the Navbar at the time of scrolling but it throws me an error in the following function? 这个功能有什么问题,我尝试在滚动时淡化导航栏,但是在以下功能中却抛出了错误?

const opacity = Math.min(100/state.alturaActualScroll, 1);

i have my navbar component but tells me that the state has not been defined but I do not know because the error, this is my code 我有我的导航栏组件,但告诉我该状态尚未定义,但我不知道因为错误,这是我的代码

import React from 'react';
import {Link} from 'react-router'
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';

export default class NavbarLanding extends 
React.Component {

    componentDidMount() {
        window.onscroll =()=> {
                alturaActualScroll: window.scrollY})
    componentDidMount () {
        window.onscroll =()=>{
            nuevaAlturaScroll = Math.ceil(window.scrollY / 50) *50;
            if(this.state.alturaActualScroll != nuevaAlturaScroll){
      // update
    render() {
        // console.log('donde estoy');
        const opacity = Math.min(100/state.alturaActualScroll, 1);
        <div style={opacity}id="navbar"className="navbar-landing">
                        <ul className="ul-landing">
                                {/* <img src="./public/images/flat-rocket.jpg"></img> */}
                                <li id="navbar-landing-title" className="navbar-title"><a>Landing </a></li>
                            <div id="menu-landing"className="navbar-menu">
                                <button className="btn"onClick={() => Accounts.logout()}>Logout</button>

NavbarLanding.reactProptype = {
    title: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired

Your code should be 您的代码应为

const opacity = Math.min(100/this.state.alturaActualScroll, 1);

You forgot to add the this keyword while accessing the state of the component, which led the interpreter to look for a local variable named state instead of the class level state variable. 您忘记了在访问组件状态时添加了this关键字,这导致解释器寻找名为state的局部变量而不是类级别的state变量。

Edited and corrected after comments from Felix Kling and zerkms 根据Felix Kling和zerkms的评论进行编辑和更正

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