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[英]Hiding certain columns on an Excel table

I've been trying to hide table columns on my Excel spreadsheet. 我一直试图在Excel电子表格中隐藏表格列。 While I can hide entire columns if my data was not in table form, this is something I cannot do because of the information that is underneath the table. 如果我的数据不是表格形式的,我可以隐藏整个列,但是由于表格下面的信息,我无法执行此操作。 For the purposes of this spreadsheet, that information needs to be below. 对于此电子表格,该信息需要在下面。 So I can't really convert the table and I can't hide the information that is irrelevant. 因此,我无法真正转换表,也无法隐藏不相关的信息。

Does anyone have a solution for this (this seems like a basic problem but I'm relatively new to Excel)? 是否有人对此有解决方案(这似乎是一个基本问题,但是我对Excel还是比较陌生)?

You can only hide full columns. 您只能隐藏完整的列。 If hiding the data in the table is important, then the data below needs to be moved to a different sheet. 如果在表中隐藏数据很重要,则需要将下面的数据移到另一张纸上。 Or, if it only needs to be hidden when printed, then you can change the font color to match the background color. 或者,如果只需要在打印时将其隐藏,则可以更改字体颜色以匹配背景颜色。

You don't mention if that table above moves in number of rows or not but another option is to Data ---> GROUP the rows of the table and then collapse them. 您没有提到上面的表格是否按行数移动,但是另一种选择是Data ---> GROUP表的行然后折叠它们。 Select ALL rows relevant to the table and then click GROUP. 选择与表相关的所有行,然后单击“组”。 To left of row numbers you'll have a line to click (with a + or -) to expand or collapse the data. 在行号的左侧,您需要单击一行(带有+或-)以展开或折叠数据。 This will visually look like only the data below is present and you can set print ranges to only look at the data below. 外观上看起来只有以下数据,并且您可以将打印范围设置为仅查看以下数据。

Hope that helps 希望能有所帮助

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