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[英]Cannot find/resolve artifact: Maven error

I just have pulled new projectand when I run mvn clean install I got this error(on other computers build is success): 我刚刚拉了一个新项目,当我运行mvn clean install时遇到了这个错误(在其他计算机上构建成功):

 Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.1:unpack (unpack-swagger-ui) on project kapua-rest-api-web: Unable to find/resolve artifact.: Could not find artifact org.eclipse.kapua.external:swagger-ui:jar:2.1.4-CQ-10792 in central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]

Just to say that I know that this question was asked but none of that answers did not help me, so please do not put this as duplicate.Could someone helps me to fin out why I have this Maven error and how to solve it? 只是说我知道有人问了这个问题,但所有答案都没有帮助我,所以请不要将此重复做一遍。有人可以帮我弄清楚为什么我有这个Maven错误以及如何解决它吗?

Based on issue on github correct way to build kapua is 基于github上的问题 ,构建kapua的正确方法是

mvn clean install -f external/pom.xml
mvn clean install 

I expect first invocation to produce missing artifacts into local M2 repo and second invcation to perform actual build. 我希望第一次调用会在本地M2存储库中生成丢失的工件,然后第二次调用以执行实际构建。

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