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Ajax.beginForms MVC部分视图

[英]Ajax.beginForms MVC Partial View

I am using an ajax.beginform to create a partial view within another view. 我正在使用ajax.beginform在另一个视图中创建局部视图。

I the user enters a correct sn everything works fine. 如果用户输入正确的sn,一切正常。 But if the user enters an invalid number, I want to redirect to the index view. 但是,如果用户输入的数字无效,我想重定向到索引视图。

Now the index page is submitted as a partial view in itself. 现在,索引页面本身已作为部分视图提交。

How can I avoid that. 我如何避免这种情况。

Here is a part of my view and 2 simplified actionresults. 这是我的观点的一部分,并提供2个简化的操作结果。

 @using (Ajax.BeginForm("MachineInfo", "QrCreate", new AjaxOptions() { 
 HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "form-content", InsertionMode = 
 InsertionMode.ReplaceWith }))

            <input type="text" id="sn" name="sn" class="inputsn" 
              placeholder="Enter your serial number here..." />

            <input type="submit" value="Search" class="search btn btn-success btn-lg" />


<div id="form-content"></div>

my Controller 我的控制器

  public ActionResult Index(bool? isValidMachine = null)
        ViewBag.invalidSerialNumber = isValidMachine;
        return View();
    public ActionResult MachineInfo(string sn)

        RedirectToAction("Index", new { isValidMachine = false });

       QrCreateViewModel qrCreateVM;
       using (var machineService = new MachineApiService())

            var machine = machineService.GetMachineFromSerialNumber(sn);
            if (machine == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Index", new { isValidMachine = false });
            qrCreateVM = new QrCreateViewModel(machine, GetBasePath());

       if (qrCreateVM.IsValid())
           qrCreateVM.Viewurl = qrCreateVM.QrCreateUrlOrDefaultNull();
           return PartialView(qrCreateVM);

         return  RedirectToAction("Index", new { isValidMachine = false });

Ajax calls do not redirect (the purpose of making them is to stay on the same page). Ajax调用不会重定向(进行调用的目的是保持在同一页面上)。

In your controller method, replace the instances of return RedirectToAction(...) to return a HttpStatusCodeResult indicating an error, which you can then handle in the OnFailure option to redirect to the Index() method. 在你的控制器的方法,更换的情况下, return RedirectToAction(...)返回一个HttpStatusCodeResult指示错误,然后你就可以在处理OnFailure选项重定向到Index()方法。

For example 例如

public ActionResult MachineInfo(string sn)

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sn))
        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Bad Request");

Then in the Ajax.BeginForm() 然后在Ajax.BeginForm()

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("MachineInfo", "QrCreate", new AjaxOptions() { 
    HttpMethod = "POST", 
    UpdateTargetId = "form-content",
    InsertionMode = InsertionMode.ReplaceWith,
    OnFailure = "redirect"

and add the following script to redirect 并添加以下脚本进行重定向

function redirect(ajaxContext) {
    location.href = '@Url.Action("Index")';

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