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[英]How to display spinner when data are rendered from ajax in kendo grid

I have some search filters for a query in my application.我的应用程序中有一些用于查询的搜索过滤器。 From the filters I want to render the json results into a kendo grid.从过滤器中,我想将 json 结果呈现为剑道网格。 For that reason I don't use the default DataSource.Read() of the grid but an Ajax request and I bind the results to the grid like that:因此,我不使用网格的默认DataSource.Read()而是使用 Ajax 请求,并将结果绑定到网格,如下所示:

Kendo grid:剑道格子:

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Bound(c => c.Id).Hidden();
        columns.Bound(c => c.Code).Width(100);
        // Some other columns
     //Some events and filtering options
    .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
        .Model(model =>
            model.Id(p => p.Id);
            // other model values

Set the dataSource on Ajax success在 Ajax 成功时设置数据源

var datasource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ data: resultData });

The binding happens correctly however to other places that I use the DataSource.Read() the grid shows a loading effect that I can't find how to reproduce to my page and I use to this place some other loading effect we use on Ajax requests.然而,绑定正确发生在我使用DataSource.Read()的其他地方,网格显示了一种加载效果,我找不到如何重现到我的页面,我在这个地方使用了一些我们在 Ajax 请求上使用的其他加载效果. Is there any way to reproduce it in my case?有没有办法在我的情况下重现它?

I had such cases in my application too. 我的申请也有这样的案例。 The way I handled them was also by kendo.ui.progress($("#gridDame"), true). 我处理它们的方式也是通过kendo.ui.progress($(“#gridDame”),true)。 For the sake of the completion of the answer I will post the way I handled them and the way I am handling them now with the DataSource.Read() of the grid by passing the filter input values as additional data to my Read request. 为了完成答案,我将通过将过滤器输入值作为附加数据传递给我的Read请求来发布我处理它们的方式以及我现在使用网格的DataSource.Read()处理它们的方式。

First way: 第一种方式:

I had a general Ajax call for all my gridRequests 我对所有gridRequests都进行了一般的Ajax调用

function getGridData(uri, payload, gridName) {
    return $.ajax({
        url: uri,
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        data: payload,
        beforeSend: function () {
            window.kendo.ui.progress($("#"+ gridName), true);
    }).done(function (result) {
        return result;
    }).always(function () {
        window.kendo.ui.progress($("#" + gridName), false);

I called it on my button click with the parameters of my search form 我用我的搜索表单的参数点击了我的按钮

    $("#searchFormBtn").bind("click", function (e) {

        // ... Get the filter input values and strignify them as json ...

        return getGridData(url, filterInputValuesStrignifiedAsJson, "grid")
            .done(function (result) {
                if (result.success) {
                    var datasource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ data: result.data });
                } else {
                    //Handle error

Second way: 第二种方式:

I set my Datasource.Read() like this: 我像这样设置我的Datasource.Read()

.Read(read => read.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName").Data("getFilterInputValues"))

and allways Autobind(false) in order not to read on first load 并且总是Autobind(false)为了不在第一次加载时读取

In the function getFilterInputValues I get my search form values like that: 在函数getFilterInputValues中,我得到了我的搜索表单值:

function searchModelData() {
    return {
        DateFrom: $("#DateFrom").data("kendoDatePicker").value(),
        DateTo: $("#DateTo").data("kendoDatePicker").value(),
        Forever: document.getElementById("datesForever").checked === true ? true : false,
        SearchCommunicationType: { Id: $("#SearchCommunicationType_Id").val() },
        SearchBranch: { Id: $("#SearchBranch_Id").val() },
        CompletedById: { Id: $("#CompletedById_Id").val() },
        SearchOperationType: { Id: $("#SearchOperationType_Id").val() },
        AcademicPeriodSearch: { Id: $("#AcademicPeriodSearch_Id").val() },
        AcademicYearSearch: $("#AcademicYearSearch").val(),
        Name: $("#Name").val(),
        ContactValue: $("#ContactValue").val(),
        AddressValue: $("#AddressValue").val()

Finally I trigger the DataSource.Read() of my grid on the button click 最后,我在单击按钮时触发网格的DataSource.Read()

    $("#searchFormBtn").bind("click", function () {
        var grid = $('#grid').data("kendoGrid");

        if (grid.dataSource.page() !== 1) {

With Datasource.Read() obviously works correctly and the spinning effect you mention in your question. 使用Datasource.Read()显然可以正常工作,并在您的问题中提到旋转效果。

You're looking for kendo.ui.progress . 你在找kendo.ui.progress Click here for Telerik's documentation. 单击此处查看Telerik的文档。

Before running the ajax call add the following to show the loading effect: 在运行ajax调用之前,添加以下内容以显示加载效果:

kendo.ui.progress($("#gridName"), true);

After success or failure add the following to remove the loading effect: 成功或失败后,添加以下内容以删除加载效果:

kendo.ui.progress($("#gridName"), false);

You can do it manualy你可以手动完成

<div id="UrGrid"></div>
<div class="chart-loading"></div>

in event:事件:

   var loading = $(".chart-loading", e.sender.element.parent());
   kendo.ui.progress(loading, true);
   ...work with data...
   kendo.ui.progress(loading, false);

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