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[英]Scalafx: create lineChart in scala

I am working on a sample of line chart code: 我正在研究折线图代码示例:

  import scalafx.application.JFXApp
  import scalafx.stage.Stage
  import scalafx.scene.Scene
  import scalafx.scene.chart.{LineChart,NumberAxis, XYChart}
  import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
  import scalafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series

  object LineChartSample extends JFXApp {

    // Defining the axes
    val xAxis = new NumberAxis()
    xAxis.label = "Number of Month"
    val yAxis = new NumberAxis()

    // Creating the chart
   val lineChart = LineChart(xAxis,yAxis)
     //val lineChart: LineChart[NumberAxis, NumberAxis] = _

    lineChart.title = "Stock Monitoring, 2010"

    // defining a series
    val data = ObservableBuffer(Seq(
      (1, 23),
      (2, 14),
      (3, 15),
      (4, 24),
      (5, 34),
      (6, 36),
      (7, 22),
      (8, 45),
      (9, 43),
      (10, 17),
      (11, 29),
      (12, 25)
    ) map {case (x, y) => XYChart.Data[Number, Number](x, y)} ).delegate

    val series = XYChart.Series[Number,Number]("test",data)


    val stg = new Stage {
      title = "Line Chart Sample"
      scene = new Scene(800, 600) {
        root = lineChart

It is failing with error highlighting BELOW line of code on Series 它失败,并在系列上突出显示代码的下面一行错误

val series = XYChart.Series[Number,Number]("test",data)

Error:(41, 30) overloaded method value apply with alternatives:
  (name: String,data: scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer[javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data[Number,Number]])javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series[Number,Number] <and>
  (data: scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer[javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data[Number,Number]])javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series[Number,Number]
 cannot be applied to (String, javafx.collections.ObservableList[javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Data[Number,Number]])
  val series = XYChart.Series[Number,Number]("test",data)

Can someone point me what is wrong with it? 有人可以指出我的问题吗? I am unable to understand the error properly. 我无法正确理解该错误。

I think the problem here is the use of the .delegate conversion at the end of the ObservableBuffer declaration, which changes data into a JavaFX ObservableList . 我认为这里的问题是在ObservableBuffer声明的末尾使用.delegate转换,该声明将data更改为JavaFX ObservableList

ObservableBuffer (part of ScalaFX ) is declared to be equivalent to the JavaFX ObservableList collection class. ObservableBufferScalaFX的一部分)被声明为等效于JavaFX ObservableList集合类。 (I think it was renamed in ScalaFX to avoid confusion with what constitutes a List in Scala .) There is an implicit conversion from ObservableList to ObservableBuffer , but you have not included import scalafx.Includes._ (highly recommended) among your imports. (我认为它在ScalaFX中被重命名以避免与Scala中List构成混淆。)从ObservableListObservableBuffer了隐式转换,但是您尚未在import scalafx.Includes._包括import scalafx.Includes._ (强烈建议)。 As a result, data doesn't match the expected argument type of XYChart.Series.apply(String, ObservableBuffer) , hence the error. 结果, dataXYChart.Series.apply(String, ObservableBuffer)的预期参数类型不匹配,从而导致错误。 By omitting the .delegate call, you simplify your code and do not require the implicit conversion. 通过省略.delegate调用,可以简化代码,并且不需要隐式转换。 Alternatively, you could just add that import statement to your code. 或者,您可以只将该import语句添加到您的代码中。

However, if you expect your program to run, you should also assign the stage member of JFXApp to a new PrimaryStage . 但是,如果您希望程序运行,则还应该将JFXAppstage成员分配给新的PrimaryStage The following works: 以下作品:

import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.chart.{LineChart, NumberAxis, XYChart}
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer

object LineChartSample
extends JFXApp {

  // Defining the axes
  val xAxis = new NumberAxis()
  xAxis.label = "Number of Month"
  val yAxis = new NumberAxis()

  // Creating the chart
  val lineChart = LineChart(xAxis, yAxis)

  lineChart.title = "Stock Monitoring, 2010"

  // defining a series
  val data = ObservableBuffer(Seq(
    (1, 23),
    (2, 14),
    (3, 15),
    (4, 24),
    (5, 34),
    (6, 36),
    (7, 22),
    (8, 45),
    (9, 43),
    (10, 17),
    (11, 29),
    (12, 25)
  ) map {case (x, y) => XYChart.Data[Number, Number](x, y)})

  val series = XYChart.Series[Number, Number]("test", data)


  stage = new PrimaryStage {
    title = "Line Chart Sample"
    scene = new Scene(800, 600) {
      root = lineChart

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