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[英](WORDPRESS) Convert and Loop through JSON with PHP Arrays in posts and pages


  • Im making use of wordpress, divi and sportspress 我正在利用wordpress,divi和sportspress
  • Im trying to loop through these JSON strings and output them on my profile page (wordpress post) 我试图遍历这些JSON字符串并将其输出到我的个人资料页面(wordpress发布)
  • Php code are added to posts with this plugin: Plugin Page 使用此插件将PHP代码添加到帖子中: 插件页面
  • Im pulling JSON strings via an API(no problems encountered - only mentioning this here) 我通过API提取JSON字符串(没有遇到问题-仅在这里提及)
  • Im aware that there are similar questions, however, this is wordpress related and the answer could be either a solution for a WORDPRESS post OR a different implementation suggestion that might be more fitting for this CMS. 我知道有类似的问题,但是,这与wordpress有关,答案可能是WORDPRESS帖子的解决方案,或者是可能更适合此CMS的其他实现建议。 This means im willing to change the methods used to output these strings :) 这意味着我愿意改变用于输出这些字符串的方法:)

The JSON string: JSON字符串:


Im trying to output the JSON string inside a wordpress post with the following code: 我试图用以下代码在wordpress帖子中输出JSON字符串:

// Loop through Array
$profile1Array = {"name":"MaartenPAC","level":30}; // This is the PHP Array
foreach ($profile1Array as $key => $value) {
echo $value["name"] . ", " . $value["level"] . "<br>";

The Problem: 问题:

Im getting no output at all.I'm not sure if this is a syntax error perhaps? 我根本没有输出。我不确定这是否是语法错误? The plugin takes the php code above and generates a shortcode that can be pasted inside a post (one can think of it as a "php include" I guess?). 插件采用了上面的php代码,并生成了可以粘贴在帖子中的简码(我想是可以将其视为“ php include”吗?)。 Im still looking into this myself and will keep this question updated. 我本人仍在调查此事,并将保持此问题的最新状态。

The main reason you are getting no output with the above code is syntax error, and most likely, you do not have PHP Errors enabled for output. 上面的代码没有输出的主要原因是语法错误,并且很可能没有为输出启用PHP错误。

Either, check your servers log file, or enable error output . 检查您的服务器日志文件,或启用错误输出

One of the main issues is your definition of a array: 主要问题之一是您对数组的定义:

$profile1Array = {"name":"MaartenPAC","level":30};

This is not a valid syntax to define an array in PHP. 这不是在PHP中定义数组的有效语法。 This should look like: 看起来应该像这样:

$profile1Array = ["name" => "MaartenPAC", "level" => 30];

Second, your foreach statement is wrong. 其次,您的foreach语句是错误的。 Since you are doing $key => $value , the $key would be 'name', and the $value would be 'MaartenPAC'. 由于您正在执行$key => $value ,因此$key将为'name',而$value将为'MaartenPAC'。

This should look like: 看起来应该像这样:

foreach( $profile1Array AS $key => $value ) {
    echo $key . ' is: ' . $level;

EDIT: 编辑:

If it is so that you are getting an array as JSON string looking like {"name":"MaartenPAC","level":30} then you need to make use of the PHP function json_decode 如果是这样,那么您将得到一个数组作为JSON字符串,看起来像{"name":"MaartenPAC","level":30}那么您需要使用PHP函数json_decode

The following loop works like a charm along with the plugin mentioned. 以下循环与上面提到的插件一样具有魅力。

$array = json_decode('[{"name":"MaartenPAC","level":30}]');

foreach ($array as $key => $jsons) {
 foreach($jsons as $key => $value) {
if($key == 'name'){
echo "Username is " . $value;

Output: 输出:

Username is MaartenPAC 用户名是MaartenPAC

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