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[英]Maven, exclude folder of resources from packaged jar

I'm trying to achieve the following distribution for my application, and I'm following this question as guideline 我正在尝试为我的应用程序实现以下分发,并且我正在遵循此问题作为指导

|-- application-1.0.jar
|-- conf/
    |-- application.properties
    |-- log4j.properties
|-- lib/
    |-- *.jar

My src/main/resources looks like following 我的src/main/resources如下所示

|-- to.be.packaged.inside.jar
|-- to.be.packaged/
|   |-- also
|-- conf/
    |-- application.properties
    |-- log4j.properties

Now, I want to exclude the whole conf folder from being packaged in the JAR (but placed in the target folder). 现在,我想将整个conf文件夹从打包在JAR中排除(但放在目标文件夹中)。

I tried the following configuration to maven-jar-plugin 我尝试了以下配置到maven-jar-plugin


However, this still packages an empty conf folder inside the JAR. 但是,这仍然在JAR中打包了一个空的conf文件夹 How do I exclude the folder and the content ? 如何排除文件夹和内容

With conf/* you're only excluding the matching files, it doesn't match the conf directory. 使用conf/*您仅排除匹配的文件,它与conf目录不匹配。 By added <exclude>conf</exclude> the directory will be excluded as well. 通过添加<exclude>conf</exclude>该目录也将被排除。

However, you should ask yourself: should these files be available on the classpath? 但是,您应该问自己:这些文件应该在类路径中可用吗? I would expect the conf-directory to be a directory in the project-root (ie <project-root>/conf ), which also means a cleaner pom because you don't have to exclude resources. 我希望conf-directory是project-root中的目录(即<project-root>/conf ),这也意味着可以使用pom,因为您不必排除资源。

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