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[英]Is there a better way to iterate over nested loops in python

I have some code that is running through nested loops. 我有一些通过嵌套循环运行的代码。 I am guessing that there is a more "pythonic" way of doing this. 我猜想有一种更“ pythonic”的方式来做到这一点。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

The basic section of code looks like this: 代码的基本部分如下所示:

   for e in range(len(listOfTuples)):

        for item in self.items:
            if item.getName() == listOfTuples[e][0]:
                <do stuff>
            if item.getName() == listOfTyples[e][1]:
                <do other stuff>

        if <both above if statements got answers>:
            <do yet more stuff>

Is there a better way to write these nested loops? 有没有更好的方法来编写这些嵌套循环?

You can use a generator function. 您可以使用生成器功能。 At least it hides the "ugliness" of a nested for loop to you. 至少它对您隐藏了嵌套for循环的“丑陋”。

def combine_items_and_tuples(items, listOfTuples):
   for e in range(len(listOfTuples)):
        for item in items:
            yield e, item

simply call it with: 只需调用它:

for e, item in combine_items_and_tuples(self.items, listOfTuples):
      if item.getName() == listOfTuples[e][0]:
                <do stuff>
      if item.getName() == listOfTyples[e][1]:
                <do other stuff>

      if <both above if statements got answers>:
            <do yet more stuff>

As already mentioned in the comments, you can also iterate of the listOfTuples directly, since it is iterable (have a look in the python glossary ): 正如评论中已经提到的,您也可以直接迭代listOfTuples ,因为它是可迭代的(请在python 词汇表中查看):

for tuple in listOfTuples:

Iterate directly over the listOfTuples and unpack the values we care about 直接遍历listOfTuples并解压缩我们关心的值

for a, b, *_ in listOfTuples:

    a_check, b_check = False, False

    for item in self.items:
        if item.name == a:
            #do stuff
            a_check = True         
        if item.name == b:
            #do stuff
            b_check = True

    if a_check and b_check:
        #do more stuff

The *_ captures stuff past the first two elements of the tuples in listOfTuples (Assuming all we want is the first two elements). *_捕获listOfTuples组的前两个元素之后的listOfTuples (假设我们想要的只是前两个元素)。

Notice I use item.name instead of item.getName . 注意,我使用item.name而不是item.getName Python generally doesn't care about getters and setters because there's no real concept of a private variable. Python通常不关心getter和setter,因为没有真正的私有变量概念。

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