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promise“ then”函数内部的aurelia视图模型属性

[英]aurelia view-model properties inside a promise “then” function

I'm trying to access my view-model properties and bindings into a "then" function of a promise just like this : 我正在尝试将我的视图模型属性和绑定访问到promise的“ then”函数中,如下所示:

let that = this;
this.getDate().then(data => {
    that.binding.style.backgroundColor = "white";

The thing is "this" is undefined so how am I supposed to get those? 事情是“这个”是不确定的,所以我应该怎么得到那些?

当我应该尝试读取的变量是_this5时,我的错误是试图在调试器中读取“ this”,该变量是由babel transpiller为ES5创建的。

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